53K 1.5K 416


In the morning I wake up at three am and start my morning run, I make it to thirty miles before it was time to go back. When I got back it was almost 6 so I showered and put on my work out clothes. 

Everyone was already in line waiting for my orders. I don't have to tell them that it's time for us to start training again. The last month it was relaxing now it's time to be serious. 

"Morning everyone." they all said it back at the same time. Everyone was in all black heads up backs straight and ready to fight. Their wolves were on the edge ready to prove that they are ready as well. 

"Ten miles, you have an hour anyone who doesn't make it back get within the hour doesn't come back here but they run fifty miles when they are done they come back." 

They nod knowing it's best to be back in time.

"Drake is at the ten-mile mark waiting for you, be smart while you run. When you get back I need three hundred of each of the following, burpees, push-ups, swats, sit-ups. Then we can start training."

Most of them looked ready to go,  while others looked like they regretted not keeping in shape. If they don't make it back in the hour after the fifty miles they still had to do the other exercises but instead of three hundred, it would be five hundred. 

"Go." I turn and go inside to get some food. I make myself a salad with bacon and chicken in it. 

When I finish eat it I go outside to see about ten people already back. 

They were trying to catch their breath, they were the newest recruits

"Where are the others?" I asked

"They still aren't back yet princess."


I turn and go to the gym. Half an hour later I go out to see all of them outside, some looked fine while others look like they would throw up. Bean was there so I know all were back. The ten that reached here first are now sitting down talking among themselves. 

"Stand." Thorne's voice came through and they stood up quickly. 

"We have rules here, no wolf gets left behind, which means that you start together and finish together. You seven went ahead and left the others behind, I didn't say this was a race. As you can see everyone else came back together. If someone was falling behind they were there for them. Please refrain from trying to show off during warm-ups."

Their wolves were submitting to Thorne, and we loved that. 

"We have opportunities for that after. Now because of this, you seven will join Bean for my work out tomorrow keep up because he doesn't go easy."

They nodded. The rest looked sorry because Bean likes to run fifteen miles after he hikes another fifteen, which depends on his mood. If you don't keep up he adds more miles. The best thing to do is finish before him. 

I turn and go sit down in the middle of the training grounds. I start doing my three hundred sit-ups. An hour later everyone was finish and ready to start with the hard things. I told Bean to take over while I went inside to talk to Drake. Bean was drinking a milkshake while watching them making sure that they are doing everything correctly. 

Oh, Bean at lease get me one. What a friend, he winked at me. 

I went inside and showered. I got dressed in an all-black outfit of a t-shirt and jeans, with some black vans. I put my hair in a ponytail. I was going to see the royal dressmaker, Mr. K if my hair gets in the way he has no problem pulling at it. Which would lead me to say his hair is ugly and we would be mad at each other for a month. To avoid this I'm leaving my hair up, plus I need my dress to stop the show. 

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