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I walk outside the party and wait for my car to come to get so I can get the hell away from that man inside, how pathetic is he. He should never try to start something with me, I could care less about him and I because we don't exist. What I care about is that he came for my thrown, and if he thinks I'm like his fianceé and keeps my mouth quiet when provoked then he is dead wrong. 

I smell him before he speaks," Yes Beta Augustus?"

He walks in front of me and looks down at me with his height," You didn't have to do that to him you know."

"He didn't have to provoke me but he did, so I did what I thought was right and what I think is right isn't always right for everyone else."

He nods knowing that I am correct, I wrap my arms around myself, I hate that I feel like he can see my soul like when we were kids running around the palace. 

"How have you been Rose?" 

"The only people that are allowed to call me Rose are the people that I care about, but you aren't one of them so please refrain from doing so in the future, it's Princess Winter to you, Beta Augustus."

"Understood, how are the King and Queen?" 

"You don't need to worry about them, the people you need to worry about are your King and soon to be Queen. Now do like you did years ago and run off,"

The car stops in front of us and the driver gets out and opens the door for me. I take the hand he offers me and gets in, grateful for the hand. 

I sit back in the car and feel the tears roll down my face but I refuse to cry for them. What a beautiful night for pain. 

"Armon bring me to Bean's house please," I tell the driver.

Third Person POV

Back at the ball in the King's office

The King of Hela sat looking at Wayland with no emotion on his face, the King erased everyone's memory of what happened between Winter and Wayland. 

Damien wasn't calm but he was trying to get his wolf under control, Taylor sat next to him not knowing what to do, she would usually be able to calm him down but right now it was hard because his wolf wouldn't allow her to get close to him. 

Any female that tried that wasn't Winter was in danger of losing their life. If it wasn't for her Wayland would be with his true mate. Storm wanted Winter and only Winter. 

Prince Nicholas was angry at the King for not choosing the Princess, his mate over another woman. Yes, Winter was a princess to rogues but she was also an amazing person from the brief conversation they had. 

Everyone could see the way Wayland was struggling to keep his wolf inside, he was normally the calmest but it was known that when something involved mates that no wolf can be calm o mater their statues. 

When Wayland first started to have feelings for Taylor, he and Storm made a deal that if before they get married he doesn't find his mate he allow Wayland to mark Taylor and take her for their mate. Once that Storm knew of Winter he was jumping for joy because he could have his true mate, but Wayland refused to follow through with their promise. 

Storm was beyond angry, every time he is close to his mate he knows that Thorne is heartbroken. Thorne refuses to listen to him to matter how hard he tried to get her to listen and to understand that he is trying. He begs her to listen through their bond but she looks at him and bares her teeth saying that she would rather die than accept them. 

Wayland feels what his wolf is going through but he thinks that Storm will get over it after some time. All he has to do is fully let the bond to Winter and Storm go and accept the one that has been forming with Taylor and her wolf Emerald.

Wayland's current anger was a mix between the disrespect that Winter showed him and his anger towards Storm for not accepting Taylor and Emerald. 

August walked into the room seeing his best friend angry from what took place he too was angry but not at Winter but Wayland, he knows that Wayland loves Taylor but he knows what would happen if both Winter and Thorne got angry. Right now Thorne is sad and Winter sad for Thorne, but when, not if, the two get angry he knows there will be hell to pay. 

The King, Bishop, was looking at them observing what is happening here in the room. He thought back to what happened some time ago. He knows that the goddess will not be happy with what a King who is supposed to set an example is being selfish and not giving her people their true Queen Luna. 

He's heard about Winterria-Rose and knows that even though she is young she is a very powerful wolf that is known for getting what she wants just like her mom, a person who didn't take crap from anyone. King Bishop knows a lot about the current Queen of Rogues, an old friend he hasn't seen in years. 

The King stood up and cleared his throat getting everyone's attention," I'm not going to tell you what to do because it is not my place. All I will say is be careful with that young woman, she has many allies that have no problem helping her destroy your kingdom."

With that said he let with Nicholas walking behind her. The others started to think about what the King said. Taylor didn't know what to feel she was there before Winter, she loved Wayland with all her heart and Emerald as well, loved him and Storm.

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