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"Damn! You're Already Fucking Whipped"


The only thing I didn't want was to let my friends know about this small but fierce interaction between me and that blondie. I should probably find out her name. I cannot just call her blondie.

What gained my interest was that she wasn't like other girls who would swoon over me. Cocky much? Well it was not my problem that I've got good genes. She was not shy either. She looked in my eyes like she was reading me. I might've not stopped myself from staring at her if the damn students and distance have not broken our eye contact. I wondered what Eleanor was doing with her.

I continued to walk to my class after talking to the coach. I told Isaac and Ace half truth when I said the coach wanted to see me to just get away from their fucking interrogation. Coach did want to see me because I've been fucking slacking on the field. I play football but I'm not a fucking pro in it like Ace. Yeah a player inside and outside of the field.


I flipped through the pages of my notebook as the teacher continued to explain the equation. Isaac is intently listening to the teacher's shit while I'm just counting the minutes when this fucking class would be over. I can't wait for this class to be over then go to cafeteria for lunch. I'm craving their burgers. They're not as horrible as other school's.

Suddenly Isaac nudged my shoulder. "Pay attention or you'll fail."

I rolled my eyes. "It's not like I'm not trying. This shit is literally going over my head."

He chuckled shaking his head. I'm not good at math. I barely passed math last year. Dad almost took my car but I promised that I would do better this year.

I got bore staring at the fat teacher's ass so I decided to look around the class. I did a double take when I looked at the desk near the window. Blondie was sitting there and fucking talking with Gray-fucking-son.

I felt a hot burning fury within me just by looking at them. I glared at Kingsley who was watching her like a kid looking at his favorite candy in a fucking store. I was so lost in my thoughts that when Isaac shook my shoulder, I came back to my senses and realized that I've broken the pencil that was in my hands. I quickly threw it away and then looked at the smirking fucker beside me.

"That's fucking insane. You almost killed Kingsley with your glare." He chuckled shaking his head in amusement. I glanced once again at the couple sitting by the window and my blood boiled when I saw Grayson pulling his chair to be closer to the Blondie.

When the class was over, I glared at their backs as they both stood up and he waited for her while she packed her stuff and they both went out of the class. I was so focused on them that I didn't even heard what Isaac was saying.

"Dude are you even fucking listening to me?" I turned my head to see him standing beside me.


"You got a cat, right?" I grinned.

"Fuck you! I said that we've got a fucking fight tonight! It's Alessandro." He picked up his stuff and I did the same then we both walked out of the class towards cafeteria.

I ran my hand through my hair. "And who's gonna fight?"

He looked at me before opening the door to cafeteria. "Did I miss 'S' from Alessandro? Oh my fucking bad. We have to fight both assholes!"

I groaned, rubbing my face. "Fuck! Dad has invited some people over for the dinner. I can't fucking show up with a bruised face."

He shrugged his shoulders as he took a seat at our usual table where Ace was already sitting, inhaling his lunch. Yeah that's exactly what's he doing.

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