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"No popping other guy's butts"


I squirmed under the rays of light as they hit me. I opened my eyes slowly, taking in my environment.

I gasped as I found myself over Darius. Straddling him. His arms wrapped around my waist, tightly.

Do I really sleep like this?!

I flushed as I realized the intimate position that we were in.

Quickly, removing the covers, I gently and quietly stood up beside the bed to not wake Darius up.

I looked at the clock and my eyes widened as I realized that we would be late for school if we don't wake up like...right now.

I didn't bring any clothes with me.

Stupid of me. I know.

I didn't want to wear the same clothes as yesterday and wearing Darius' clothes to school was a no no.

This left with just one option. We have to make a quick stop at my house.

I stepped inside the bathroom to take a shower. I smiled like a creep, using his shampoo.

After quick shower, I dried myself. I dressed in my old clothes which I thankfully brought with me in the bathroom because just a few minutes ago I heard some shuffling from outside which indicated that Darius was awake now.

I walked outside, towel drying my hair.

"Good morning." I was startled as I heard his deep, hoarse voice, even though I knew he was awake.

"Good morning!" I smiled.

He looked at the nightstand looking at the time. "Baby, its too fuCking early." He groaned rolling on his bare stomach.

Wasn't he wearing a t-shirt?

I placed the towel on the side of his bed. I sat beside him, shaking him gently.

"Darius, wake up."

"Five more minutes." He groaned, hiding his face under the pillow.

"Darius, we're gonna be late for school."

"The school doesn't start for another half a fuCking hour." I heard his muffled voice, making me giggle.

"We've to make a quick stop at mine. I don't wanna wear the same clothes." I whined, shaking him.

"Wear mine." I rolled my eyes, annoyed at him.


"FuCking fine!" I flinched as he set up quickly. Shaking his head, the curls falling on his forehead. He rubbed his eyes to get rid of the sleep.

I smiled looking at him because he resembled a baby doing that.

He stopped his actions looking at me. "What got you so smiley?"

"Nothin-" I squealed as he brought me closer to him with his arms.

He sniffed my hair. I began to laugh. "What are you doing?"

"Smelling you." He mumbled against my hair.

"What are you? A dog?" I laughed harder as he pushed me away.

"Way to ruin a guy's mood." He grumbled before walking towards his bathroom. But he paused mid way, running back to me and kissed my lips. "I love how you're smelling like me."

My eyes widened and I pushed against his bare chest. "No. You go and shower while I take out some clothes for you."

He pouted before walking away, grumbling all the way. I smiled, walking inside his closet to pick his outfit.

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