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"Her Stinky Finger"


The whole house was deadly silent as I descended the stairs. The only sound was of my footsteps. I was surprisingly welcoming this silence. This was the first for me. But I thought it was because I've been staying with six other loud teenagers as well.

I stumbled on the last step but stopped myself from falling down. I let out a sigh a relief.

It was possible that Elo and the guys didn't even come back from the stupid party yesterday. Or they were so trashed that they won't be up till evening.

Oh well that means more food for me!

A squeak left my lips as I entered the kitchen. Charli cursed as she heard me.

"What are you doing?!" She asked with wide eyes, her hands place over her heart.

"I'm hungry!" I answered before walking further inside. 

She rolled her eyes. "Why did you yell?"

I gave her a sheepish smile. "I was scared to see you early."

"It's eleven thirty and geez...I know that I'm not that pretty but you don't have to be so scared." We both ended up laughing.

Everybody knew that she's gorgeous. She didn't even need to worry about her looks. I should be the one asking her if she was not too scared after looking at me.

I was straight here after waking up because I couldn't sleep much after what happened last night. More precisely after both, Darius and I, dropped the L bomb.

I rested my head on my hands over the counter. I didn't know if Darius meant it or if he just said it in a spur of a moment. I knew for sure that I said it because I meant it. But I didn't know about him! And that was killing me! I just wanted to run up to him and shake him from his precious sleep and ask him if he meant what he said last night or not!

"What's wrong?" I raised my head and looked at Charli with wide eyes. She rolled her eyes. "You just groaned. So something must be troubling you. Or are you suffering from upset stomach?" She scrunched her nose at the last question.

I made a disgusting face. shaking my head. "No upset stomach. Darius dropped the L bomb yesterday."

Her jaw dropped open and she stared at me with wide eyes. I gave her a moment to recover from the shock. I walked pass her to get myself a granola bar from one of the cupboards.


"Darius said he loves me." I replied taking a huge bite of my bar.


"And I.....said it back."

"Really?!" When I nodded my head she squealed and wrapped me in a tight hug. I smiled and hugged her back.  "Oh my god! I'm so happy for you guys!" She said after releasing me.

"Thank you." I said with a shy smile. She clapped her hands but then her brows furrowed and she stopped her actions and turned to face me.

"Why were you upset about it?" She took a sit beside me.

"I'm not upset. Trust me. Its just that I don't know if he meant it or just said it in a spur of the moment." I sighed drawing weird patterns on the counter with my finger.

"What do you mean?" She asked. A blushed covered my cheeks just thinking about yesterday's events. She gave me a suspicious look. "Okay spill."

And just like that, I told her everything that had happened yesterday. She listened intently without any interruption.

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