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"We'll have an intense makeup sex"


"Hey!" I grinned as I reached Charli and Ace, with Isaac and Darius on each side of me.

But my smile turned to a frown when I didn't see Elo with them.

"Where's Elo?" Isaac asked no one in particular.

"Don't tell me she ditched us because of AsS-Cole." Darius muttered angrily.

"She's mad at me. Isn't she?" I looked at them with a worried look.

I knew I shouldn't have said those words to Cole. But I didn't know what came over me as I heard him say such things to Darius. He was plain mean to him and I couldn't watch it. But the bigger question is why I reacted the way I did?

Because I like him?

Puff NO!

"Don't be stupid, Natalya." Charli smacked my arm. "She's not mad at you. She wasn't just not feeling it. Plus some of her relatives were gathering at her house for lunch. That's why we cancelled the lake day because what's the fun with out Elo and twins. Right?"

"Are you sure she's not mad?" I asked again doubting her explanation.

"Shut up, baby cakes. And lets go before the movie begins." Ace slang his arms around my shoulders and walked with me.

"So what movie are we watching?" Isaac asked, taking popcorns from Charli's bucket.

"I don't know. I just got the first tickets I found were available." We all looked at Ace. "What?"

"You're a fuCking dumbaSs." Darius smacked his head.

"If its some romantic shIt then I'm fuCking out." Isaac growled from behind us.

"Count me out too." I raised my hand and looked back to give Isaac a toothy smile.

"Hey. You're my baby cakes. You're supposed to be on my side." Ace playfully glared at me.

"Someone's turning green." Isaac snickered. Darius shoved him away making him laugh even more.

This made me smile because today was the first time when I saw him laugh.

"I'm not!" Charli yelled throwing popcorn at him.

"Didn't say you were." He shrugged his shoulders and smirked at Darius.

"Ignore him babe. She's my baby cakes but you're my baby girl." Ace winked at Charli who was muttering, 'I'm not jealous. Stupid Isaac.'

"Smooth." Darius snickered making us laugh.

We found our seats and unfortunately for me and Isaac, the movie Ace randomly chose was a romantic one.

I inwardly whined. Watching romantic movies with guy friends made me cringe.

Isaac took the first seat and I sat beside him. Darius eyes narrowed as he passed both of us and took a seat after Charli and Ace, at the last. It was decided that me and Charli would sit between guys.

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