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"Das not good"


I watched her in trance as she danced along with our friends. She was smiling. She was carefree. Happy. I could see she was enjoying her time right now.

I saw as she and Logan sang through the lyrics of the song. She pulled her golden gown, which I must say looked incredible on her, and began to jump and twirl.

Charli bend down to her knees, laughing while Ace joined Natalya with Elo and Joseph.

Gulping down my drink, I stood up and began to walk im her direction, ignoring Isaac's stare on me.

Natalya stopped as she saw me approaching her. She gulped as she stared at me with those electric blue orbs of hers.

"I'm mad." I whispered near her ear which earned me a giggle from her.

"No. You're Craze." She giggled again and I looked at her, amused.

I raised a brow. "Ms. Stepanov, are you drunk?"

She giggled again.

Yup fuCking drunk. The Natalya I know never giggles this much.

"No. I'm Natalya." I rolled my eyes. I looked among our friends to only noticed Ace drunk but the rest were fine.

I furrowed my brows before looking back at the giggling Natalya. "What did you drink, Natalya?"

"I drink....nothannnggggg!" This gained the attention of the rest of our friends.

"FuCk! Is she drunk?!" Elo asked looking at Natalya who was busy dancing. But she stopped and stomped her way to Elo with an angry pout. I rolled my eyes, knowing what was coming.

"I'm not drunk! I am Natalya!" Our friends looked at her in amusement.

"Definitely drunk." Joseph muttered from beside me and I nodded my head.

"Let me get her some water." I rolled my eyes as Logan ran to get water.

"Ace is drunk too. But they didn't even touch the drinks. I wanted him to remember our crowning as homecoming king and queen." Charli looked confused and worried at the same time.

I furrowed my brows, looking between Ace and Natalya.

"I drink the fuCking fruit punch but even I'm not drunk." Elo flicked Natalya's head who stomped her feet with a pout and muttered something incoherent.

"Darius, let's get out of here now." Elo said.

"But what about the homecomin-"

"Nobody fuCking cares about the plastic crown. And what will they say once they see how trash he is." She cut Charli's whining, pointing at Ace.

I looked at him and Natalya dancing or more like jumping around Joseph, hand in hand like kids while Joseph was rolling his eyes.

"ShIt! What happened to these two?" Isaac asked, chuckling.

"They're drunk." Joseph and Elo said simultaneously. I rolled my eyes and wait for what's coming fuCking again.

"I'm not drunk! I am Natalya! How times many I tell you bloody?!" And the whole group burst into laughter as she fumbled with her words.

"Don't worry, baby cakes. I know you. You're Natalya the British baby cakes!" Ace said hugging the life out of Natalya.

I chuckled, shaking my head at my silly girlfriend.

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