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"TM bloody I"


I saw red when I saw asS-Cole, so near to Natalya. I didn't think twice before reacting and brough– no. Dragged her outside with me.

But the fuCker didn't take the hint. He was practically eye-fuCking her. I wanted to kill that bastard right there if it wasn't for Natalya, who was waiting for me and for Mrs. White, because lets be honest. No mother would like to watch her asShole of a son get killed in front of her.

I sighed as I glanced down at my watch. I've been waiting in the living room in Natalya's home for about thirty minutes. Good for me and I guessed for Natalya as well, Adrian and Isabella were out.

The loud thumbing snapped me back from my thought. I turned my head to the stairs.

"Careful!" I yelled, knowing how she was the queen of clumsiness.

I listened carefully for any sound which might indicate that the I might've been too late for the warning. But thankfully, I heard non.

"You know, I'm not that clumsy." She huffed as she stood at the bottom of the stairs, with her arms crossed against her chest. 

I looked at her, all dresses up now, in a black and white striped shirt and red skirt. Her hair, tied in a pony tail.

My eyes took too long at her legs before moving to the rest of her body

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My eyes took too long at her legs before moving to the rest of her body.

What the fuCk are you doing to me, woman?!

"Earth's calling Darius." She snapped her fingers in front of me, bringing me back from my thoughts.

"You are not wearing that." I scowled pointing at her almost naked legs.

Her skirt was too small. I didn't want any guy to look at what's mine.

Well almost mine.

"Like I'll listen to you." She rolled her eyes and walked head. "You're not my father nor brother!" She called over her shoulders.

When did she became so sassy?

I almost wanted to say that neither I want to be her father or brother but a nine letters word, starting with B and ending with D.

"C'mon slow poke!" I frowned to see Natalya already waiting at the passenger door of my car.

When did she got there?

I shut the door behind me then quickly jogged up to her and opened the door for her.

She gave me a small smile and got in the car. I rounded up the car and settled myself in before going in the direction of Lee's Cafe.


"They are not here yet?" Natalya asked as we entered the cafe. I craned up my neck to look around and spotted our friends at the corner, in our usual place.

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