Chapter 33: A Blackened White is as Black as Black

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The next morning, Ace arrived at work energetic.

Actually, too energetic that his eyes might blast by how fucking bright they are!

After the hug that last for he-never-knew-how-long, Alexander sent him home and even greeted his mother.

To be honest, it was fucking nerve wrecking that time! His eyes almost jump out of it's sockets when Alexander nonchalantly introduced himself with "Ace is mine." to his mother!

Damn it! That was much too smooth, much too strong. Much too domineer!!!

You just freakin outed us to my mom!!

But unlike Ace who almost spilled his fucking brain matters when it exploded, his mom just widen her eyes a bit, blinked, look at them a few times and nodded. "Oh, I see. Good job." then she took Joanne's hand and patted it. "I'm depending on you, child."

Realizing that he killed a couple of neurons for worrying too much, he could only smile bitterly and thank the gods that he won't experience the soap-opera like drama that he once watched with Joanne.

He didn't do a single thing but that's a box ticked off of his note.

Thank God my wife fucking defies every common sense around!


Sarah went in together with two creepy women smiling like generic barbie dolls.

"The party will start at 6. The matriarch sent them to help you dress." Sarah indifferently look at the women.

"Good afternoon, Chairman." the two greeted and bowed in sync.

Ace kept the romance off of his mind and nodded at them with a straight face.

Fucking shit. It's time.

He really doesn't know but being with Alexander always make him loose his mind.

He forgets everything. Be it revenge or whatever.

But not that he's thinking it's bad or anything. He personally think that love should fucking come first!


'guess it's the time to set things straight.'

Alexander might be the most important thing in his life but Fuck! He won't let those stupid fuckers get away with what they fucking deserve!

He can't. He just can't!

He may drown in his lover's love for only god knows how but everytime he remembers that he was Gerald just a few months ago and that the fucker who killed his dad and made him into a scary monster for 20 years was still able to make him rot alone in a deserted island,

the Fucking guilt for himself, the humiliation, the pain and the bursting rage that could almost eat his heart overflows.

He's too sorry for the Gerald that had to suffer everything.

Ace is sure that he won't be truly happy with those feelings haunting him everytime he remembers...

Anyway, he already laid the trap.

He may be drown in romance but he fortunately have TRULY trusted people beside him now.

It's the right damned time to see who will fall on the pit that was dug first.

Ha! I swear I'll fucking gloat on you and throw fucking shits on you, you fucker! Just you wait!


Ace and his crew, namely the irritated Assistant Sarah, the Stone-faced George and the recently promoted slack jawed butler-in-training Harold arrived at the Palace like hotel at exactly 6 pm.

Being 'underaged', he used it as excuse to let the crew tag along. How would he dare look for a woman as tonight's date? He's clearly a taken man!

The moment the fucking wide door that even dinosaurs could enter was opened by men in crease-free uniforms, everyone's eyes were captured.

You can only look but never look away.

Many people became slack jawed.

It would seem like an exaggeration but they all did.

Ace's breath-taking look may contribute half but the thing that really caught them off guard was the memory of the same-age man that once entered that very same door.

A young lad that also took everyone's breath away.

How could anyone forget the feeling as if they were blown by spring wind when the young man graced them with his smile?...

Yeah, how could they forget? Something must have been wrong with their heads.

But Those thoughts were thrown in the back of their minds instantly.

It's suddenly impossible to mistake him with this current young man.

The young man before was dazzling... pure... Beautiful...

Two poles apart from the young lad in front of them now.

With him,...

Even the spring wind will freeze from the chilling presence he emitted.

It's like how the former could brighten everything by his dazzling self while this man leave them in the shadows with his brilliance.

And pure?

Too far from 'pure'.

His young eyes carries old resentment.

You could even see despise when you look closer.


Someone will have to get their eyes check if they say that they don't fucking look the same.

They were basically formed from the same mold!

The very same face but still different...

Whilst the former such a beauty that will be the white bell in your heart, this one's beauty carries such lethality. Try to look even a bit longer and you will be eaten alive!

All the people that were aware of the young man's identity only had one question on their minds.

How could that young lovely man spawn such a...






Who spawned the devil?


Ha! Funny they got the gut to still ask,

THEY should ALL fucking know.


A/n: whenever i write the lovey dovey parts, i started forgetting that it's a revenge story. XD.
I actually readback and... Fucking embarrassing! I, myself even thought that the one who wrote this shits didn't even pass English I!! Thank God I'm lazy or my fucking OCD woul've won over and I may rewrite(in best case) or delete(in worst case) this story!!
And thank you for your lovely comments XD. I don't write that much but I always read what you wrote. Some may be bitching but I'm all cool with it now. Why don't you edit this then? I don't have the fucking time.
Another thing, I also realized that i curse and talkshit lesser and lesser. working with old and Christian people seemed to cleanse my coal black heart. Haha! I don't know if it is but i feel like the way i curse without restraint then is better... 😗😗😗

Y'all know the drill. It's fucking UNEDITED. I re-read and the words doesn't flow smoothly. Tsk. Like shit. At least you got the picture. 😑😑😑😑

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