Chapter 2

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Neymar's Pov

Juli still haven't talk to me and it's been two fucking days, i can't focus on my training and i told everything to Kylian so he could give me some nice advice.

"You're stupid you know?"

"I know i am and i have to talk to her about this, but she barely speak a word to me!"

"She's been cheated once and of course that news will haunt her in her sleep. I'm surprised that Pique or Courtois haven't fly from Spain to kick your balls."

"Shut up you're not helping," I roll my eyes and continue the training.

I didn't realize that Bianca is sitting all by herself at the audience bench, and she's glaring at me like i was some prey to haunt. When she catch me looking at her, i'm surprise that she give me the sign to talk to her after the training have finished.

When i already take a shower and dressed up, i approach Kylian and Bianca and she clearly wants to kill me and serve my meat to the rats.

"Don't you have any braincells left in the empty head of yours?" She raise her voice.


"I'm fucking serious, she's my bestfriend and you go out with that Brazil model to her hotel!"

"You look hot when you swear.." Kylian chuckle.

"This is no time to hear your joke Kyle!" Bianca snap at him and i almost try to burst a single laugh.

"This is not what it looks like, they exagerrate things and i hope you guys believe me. I will not betray her by doing that, i love her."

"She does have something to tell you that day, but you ruin it for her."

"What thing?"

"Go ask her by yourself, if she want to talk to you." She fake a laugh and Kylian bring her out of my sight. What things that she want to talked to me about?


Juliette's Pov

I'm working on some sketches in my office, i usually bring my own meal to work but today i don't have a mood to pack myself a lunch. I haven't eat anything since breakfast and i'm starting to get dizzy. It's not good for the baby, i remind myself.

I browse to my computer and look for the good recommendation of foods for pregnant women. I smile at the thought of me having a living soul inside mine, but the fact that Neymar still have no idea about this makes me frowned.

I take a walk to the nearest salad bar and order a tuna salad, when i was waiting for my order there are paparazzis who's taking my photo secretly. I hid my face with the scarf and he still approaching me and start attacking me with questions.

They're asking me about the news and they won't stop even though i don't want to answer it. When my salad order already finished, they keeps following me to the boutique and i'm starting to get pissed.

"Juli please spare us your thought about this!"

I take a deep breath before i'm about to spill my guts, "I'm carrying his baby inside me! So i'm begging you, please leave me alone and let me walk peacefully."

I walk inside my boutique and starting to realize that i already told the paparazzis this big secret, nobody even knows about this except Bianca. I'm totally screwed up right now. This news will be everywhere tonight and i turn my phone off to distract my mind somewhere else.

After a long day at work i went to the cinema alone and i heard there are a group of people who talked about the news, it has been out everywhere. I'm relieved that they're happy for me, but still i'm not ready to announce my early preganancy to the world.

I park my car to the garage and Neymar is already here. I'm not ready to face him now but i have to, this isn't some sort of relationship where i could runaway from my problems and waiting for him to apologize first. I turn the door knob and Neymar is standing right in front of it, he pull me to his arms as soon as he saw me. He sink his head to my hair and i could hear a little sob from him.

"Is that true?"

I nod, "Sorry you're not the first person to know about this."

He release me from his hugs and kiss my lips gently, he doesn't let go and nor of us wanted to. Our forehead touched and he place his hand to my jawline, he pulled out our kiss and staring at my belly.

"I'm sorry baby, i really am."

"It's okay, i know you won't do that to me."

"I'm sorry."

I reach his hand and bring him to our bedroom, i put his hand to my belly and the widest smile i've ever seen from him is right there.

"I remember the first time i knew Carol was pregnant with Davi, i'm very thrilled that day."

"So what do you think of this?" I raise my eyebrows. "Are you happy?"

"Of course i am, you're having our baby and i can't be more grateful that you will be his or her mother."

"When are we gonna tell your family and mine?"

"They called me the first time they hear the news, but i told them that i should ask you first."

"I wanted to tell you the first time i knew i was pregnant, but you dissapoint me." I murmur. "I'm not sure if it was the right timing or not."

"She's only a friend, nothing more. You're the one i swear my vow to." I blush when he said that.


"Bianca confronts me right in front of Kyle, she really changed this past 4 months." He chuckle.

I notice the different, we seems like a person who switched our personality, i told Neymar about it and he agrees with me. We spend our night cuddling and talking about the baby, until i realize that i turn my phone off the entire day. Texts and phone calls are coming and i could see my family group chat's notifications are flooding.

Juliette: Yes i have a living soul inside me guys. Don't worry about that, i turned my phone off from the entire day, sorry.


Thibaut: Congratulations! I'm so happy for both of you.

Papi: My sweet angel, congratulations! Sorry i can't be there for you, i will go to Paris soon.
Papi: Shakira, keep it family friendly here..

Shakira: Okay dad..

Juliette: Yeah shak, For real.
Juliette: Thanks guys, sorry you guys have to know this not from me.
Juliette: And papi, don't worry you don't have to come all the way here.

Papi: It's okay.

Gerard: Milan and Sasha are happy about it.
Gerard: *Send a video*

I open the video that Gerard sent and that's Milan and Sasha reaction when they knew i'm pregnant. They're screaming excitely and asking Gerard to fly to Paris right away. I'm glad that Thibaut moved to Real Madrid and now both of my brothers are in the greatest team in the world, i remember when the news broke and it was number one trending topic in social media.

"My family are happy for me, you have to see Milan and Sasha's reaction!" I show him the videos and he can't stop smiling.

"By the way i've been asking this since forever but you never did it, why don't you invite me to the family group chat?"

I grin, "I'm forget! Just do it by yourself."

I threw my phone at him, but he didn't catch it properly so it fell down.

"Neymar! You broke my phone screen!"

"You're the one who throw it first!"

"God you have to buy me a new phone!" I roll my eyes and change into my sleepwear. I guess our habit isn't really going away.


i'm back!! here's the second chapter and this story won't be as long as the first book, soo i'm not going to rush the update because i don't want to end this story too soon. i love you guys and you guys are the best. love you! and don't forget to read Accidents! s.

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