Chapter 11

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"It's a baby girl."

That was the doctor's last words after he did the D&C surgery and Juli will be conscious in the next two hours. Joan is already here this morning, he take the morning flight as soon as he heard the news. I can't sleep through the entire night. I can't sleep knowing that she won't be whole again after this.

"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault." I mutter. "I can't be the perfect husband to your daughter."

He put his hand on my shoulders, "I'm not a perfect husband either, i failed two marriages. Life is not perfect you know? Sometimes you have to let go of something, to let the other one come back to you."

"Maybe god has decided to take your baby daughter back to his arms, but he didn't take Juli along with her." He continued.

"She can't get pregnant again, i have no idea how to tell her."

"Maybe not now, but she will swallow it down. I believe my daughter is a strong person."

We wait for two hours until we got called by the doctor, Bianca and Kylian are also have arrived here. I take a long deep breath before i walk into her room, she's laying in her bed and smile when she sees me. I honestly trying my best to held my tears. I grip the palm of her hands slowly because of the bruises and she also very happy to see Bianca, Kylian, and her father here.

"Papi? You came all the way from Brussels?" She surprised.

"Yes sweet angel, i'm worried about you."

"It's okay, i'm fine." She smiles, but her smile dissapear, as soon as she rub her belly down there. "What about the baby? Is she okay?"

"You know it's a she?" Bianca asked.

"Yeah i wanted to keep it a secret first," She's starting to sense that something is odd. "What about her? Is it something wrong, happened to the baby?"

We're all quiet. Not a single person here are having enough balls to tell her the truth. I read her facial expression and she became anxious, her eyes turns red and i keep her hands on my held. I want to be there when she discover the whole bitter truth.

"How is she?" She raise her voice and turn her head on me. "Answer me!"

"She's gone baby.." I murmur, almost sounds like a whisper. "I'm sorry."

She's letting go of my hands and pushed me away. Her hands are shaking and she spoke something i didn't hear clearly. I really want to pull her into my hugs, but she keeps pushing me away.


Tears are filling her eyes and she broke the scream after she pour her tears out. She keeps crying until her eyes are drying out of tears she have left, she's drained out of emotions. I honestly can't seeing my wife like this, Juliette doesn't deserve any of this shits.

"Oh god it hurts..." She almost lost her voice. "Please make it stop."

Bianca drown her face at Kylian's arm and he's trying to calm Bianca away by bringing her out from the hospital room and Joan was holding his tears. Juli refuse to be touched by anyone, she pushes me away or even hit me with all the powers she have left.

"Don't touch me!"

"Baby please.. i want to be here for you."

She glance at me and give a little chuckle before she continue her words, "You slept with that bitch and still having a nerve to said that? You fuck my baby's killer Neymar!"

She pulled off her drip infusion and trying to get me to her grips. Before she could done that, the nurses come to calm her down and one of them inject her with the Diazepam shot to makes her sleep. They hold her still to the bed and her bloodshot eyes keeps staring at me, until she slowly went to sleep.  I walk out from her room and leave Joan alone with her daughter.

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