09. Family Time

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'Adaira!' Slipping between Ella and Eve, I raced towards the newcomer, pulled her past Leadfield into the room, and threw my arms around her. 'Come here, you! I've missed you so much!'

'I've missed you, too! And I've worried sick, you know.' Putting on a faux concerned expression, she put a hand onto my forehead. 'I've heard the most worrying rumours about your mental condition. People are saying that you've lost your mind and agreed to marry my brother!'

'Very funny,' Mr Ambrose said from somewhere behind me, ice dripping from his voice. 'Very funny indeed.'

Adaira beamed at him. 'You've acquired a sense of humour? Well, well, wonders never cease. So, Lilly, tell me, what fit of madness made you want to shackle yourself to that grumpy block of granite?'

'Who, may I ask,' Ella enquired, stepping forward with a big smile on her face, 'is that lady with the impeccable taste in men?

Adaira jerked her head towards Mr Ambrose, the way you'd gesture towards a stubborn cart horse. 'I'm his sister.'

'Oh.' Ella patted her shoulder. 'Don't worry. I won't hold it against you.'

'That's so nice of you. I don't often meet people who are so generous when it comes to my faults.'

'Are you two quite finished?' Stepping forward, Mr Ambrose regarded the two of them with an icy gaze which they completely and cheerfully ignored. 'Perhaps we could return to the subject at hand?'

'Which is?' Adaira raised an eyebrow. 'I heard you all arguing, but I have no idea what it was about.'

Ella sniffed. 'I showed your dear brother the plans for the wedding he's supposed to pay for, and he—'

Adaira held up a hand. 'Say no more.' Her eyes, at other times so warm and sweet, hardened as they focused on Mr Ambrose. 'Rick?'


'Perhaps we should have a little talk. Just the two of us.'

'I don't think that will be necessary. I—'

'Oh, but I do.' Cracking her knuckles, Adaira grasped him by the tails of his coat.

'Hey! That coat is only ten years old and still in mint condition!'

'Then you had better come along before it tears now, hadn't you?' She told him sweetly as she towed him towards the nearest door. 'Move your butt, brother!'

'You are utterly overreacting. I was only pursuing a sensible, spendthrift policy of budget-reduction in regard to—'

The door closed behind them with a thud.

Eve and Ella exchanged a look. 'What now?'

Grinning, I settled in the chair closest to the door. 'Now we have fun listening at the keyhole.'

'Lill! That would be against all rules of propriety, and—'

A crash came from behind the door, followed by a lady's impressively raised voice, half audible even through the thick wood.

'Then again, maybe we won't need the keyhole after all,' I added cheerfully.

Eve and Ella exchanged another look—then hurriedly scampered over to join me beside the door. We were just about to begin Mission Eavesdrop, when the front door swung open once again, revealing the slender figure of an older lady in a pale blue dress that perfectly matched her kind eyes.

'Miss Linton!'

'Lady Samantha!'

Jumping up, I rushed towards her. I was about to curtsy, but instead, she gently took hold of me and enfolded me in a hug.

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