40. Very Presentable

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My jaw nearly hit the floor. Had someone started landscaping in the entrance hall? A massive hill had suddenly appeared in the middle of the room, surrounded by an even bigger crowd of beaming and waving villagers, servants and assorted friends and family. Abruptly, they all broke into cheers and applause.

'What is this?' I demanded. 'What's going on here?'

'Well now, don't be so modest!' Amy slapped my back, nearly sending me flying down the stairs. 'Have you forgotten all about your wedding presents?'


Wide-eyed, I stared down into the entrance hall. Presents. Presents? Growing up with Uncle Bufford I'd never really experienced those fabled items that were said to exist in a mythical realm beyond my reach. And as for receiving them from my bridegroom...

Well, enough said.

Still, Amy was right. The hill that rose down there in the big hall was composed entirely of rectangular packages wrapped in shiny wrapping paper. They looked very much like the p-word. But there were so many! They couldn't possibly all be...

'For me?' I breathed. 'All for me?'

'That's the idea.' Adaira grinned. 'Unless of course you'd like to hurry on to your wedding ceremony and leave the presents to the rest of u—'

'Forget it!'

Weddings were one thing, but this...this was special!

With gleaming eyes, I raced down the steps and grabbed the first package in range. The wrapping paper was decorated in pretty blue flowers. And red ones. And pink, and white, and golden ones.

'Let me guess...' My eyes swept across my friends, finally settling on one. 'Flora?'

The girl's eyes went wide in total shock at my clairvoyance. 'How did you guess?'

'Err...Just a little hunch.'

Tearing open the paper, I revealed a neat, white carton package, and inside...

'Oh!' I smiled, unable to keep my face straight. 'Flora, how...original!'

'You like it?' Flora piped excitedly, picking the flower vase, decorated with colourful flowers, out of the carton and holding it up. 'I picked it out myself!'

'You don't say.'

Taking the vase out of her hand, I carried it over to the table in the very centre of the hall. Pushing aside the decorative arrangements of flowers in the middle, I placed the flowered vase here and, lifting the most beautiful flowers from the table, arranged them in the vase. When I turned back, I saw all my friends standing there, beaming at me.

'Mine next! Mine next!' Eve was hopping up and down like a deranged bunny. Suitable, considering the package she was holding was decorated in large, friendly, smiling long-ears. Pulling it open, I almost expected a, cute, live little rabbit inside. Instead...

My eyes went wide.

Cautiously, I reached inside and pulled out the humongous knife with the wickedly sharp blade. There were ten similar instruments in the package, all looking sharp enough to slice an ear off.

I blinked up at Eve.

She shrugged. 'Since you're forsaking the struggle for women's equality and are all set on becoming a housewife, I thought you might need knives. You know, for cooking.'

'Or for stabbing my husband if he misbehaves?' I enquired, cautiously probing the biggest knife's blade. 'Ouch!' Quickly, I stuck my finger into my mouth.

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