C h a p t e r E i g h t

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In picture: Olga Nikolaevna Romanova 1912

September 1912
I watched as the Tsar and mama greeted with King George and Queen Mary. There was a small boy with them. "Valentina! Come and greet your uncle." Mama ordered. I stepped towards them standing next to the right of Mama, "Hello, my name is Valentina". "Valentina Romanova."The Tsarina corrected. The both of them looked at me and my mama oddly and gave a fake smile.

"Oh it is so good to see you cousin!"the king exclaimed giving the Tsar a hug and playfully slapping his back. The king of England and Tsar Of Russia looked exactly alike. Minor differences were there but at a glance they looked like twins. "Oh and congratulations on becoming King! May the people treat you well."the Tsar congratulated.

The king laughed and the both of them went off talking surrounded by guards both russian and British. The rest of us were left behind. "Would you like to go for tea on the beach?"Queen Mary suggested. Mama smiled and approved.

A tent was set up and Queen Mary, Mama, and me sat underneath drinking tea with Alexei and prince John (the little boy from earlier) sitting and playing together. The other Grand Duchesses stood near the ocean looking around and touched the water when it came close. "What happened to her if you don't mind asking?"Queen Mary asked. Mama looked at me with a concerned face then calling Tatiana over. Tatiana noticed her name being called and ran over to us. "Look after Valentina for me you, would you my  sunshine?"mama said giving her a smile.

Tatiana nodded and took my hand. I got off the chair and ran with her to the rest of them. The Grand Duchesses were giggling between each other and touching the ocean water and enjoying the saltness of it.  "Hello Valentina."Olga greeted me. I smiled at her and watched the ocean. I sighed and looked back at them with a smile. "Vanya, will you go on a walk with me?"Olga asked. I was a little taken back since I don't socialize with any of them except Tatiana recently.

We went the opposite direction of the Grand Duchesses. "What happened to your accent? It sounds different when you speak in English."Olga asked in English as she looked at the white sand. I turned around and saw three ladies in waiting following us, of course. "I don't know what you mean I always spoke like this."I answered her. "Do you speak any other language."she asked me with hope in her voice. I didn't know why she asked me this "I know how to speak Spanish, a little only."I answered. "Spanish? Where did you learn that from?"she asked with confusion and disappointment in her voice.

I ignored her last statement and sighed. "Why do you dislike us so much Valentina?"Olga questioned me again. My eyes went a little wide and I looked at her almost breaking a sweat,"What do you mean?". "You never speak to us. And when you do it's always sounds like you don't want to speak with us. You always reply with annoyance or anger. What did we do?"Olga and I stopped walking and she stood in front of me. I looked at her, "Olga, I don't dislike you or your- our sisters. I am just not a costumed to this. I have a different perspective on the world then you do.".

"What do you mean different perspective?"Olga asked loudly then she should have, catching everyone's attention. I looked around, my cheeks flushed red ducking my head in embarrassment. Mama and Queen Mary noticed us and I wasn't planning on making a scene. "Olga calm down."I quietly plead. Her face was red and I could see the tears coming from her face. "Valentina! Don't you understand? It's all in your head! You speak French not Spanish! We are your family! You are from Russia not America! You are schizophrenic!"She bursted. At this point all you could hear was the waves, the wind, and the seagulls. Everyone was staring at us. But what really mattered to me was, they thought I had schizophrenia.

"What?"I weakly said. I felt my throat start to hurt and I tried to hold back my tears. "Valentina, I-." Olga couldn't finished before I kicked off my shoes and started to run the other direction hoping to get lost. In this time my hat flew off my head and I took off my sweater dropping it behind me. My hair went out of place and I turned to see a trail of people following me. Olga ran after me following her were 'our' sisters, the Ladies in waiting with the russian and British soldiers that were soon going to out run them. I saw the Tsarina standing in the distance with Queen Mary next to her in panic and worry.

How could they think of me like this? I get it, it's weird but why would I lie? I knew I couldn't trust any of them.

I felt the adrenaline in my body push me to run faster. I knew the soldiers were going to catch me but the sand slowed everyone down. I picked up the skirt part of my dress a little to help me run better. I looked over and saw a opening to turn, hoping that I could lose them.  I ran to the beginning of the woods before I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist and stoped me. We collided on to the ground. Before I could do anything I passed out.
When I woke up everything was white. My surroundings, the ground, even my dress. The place was foggy because I could barely make out a figure that was coming towards me. I was glued to place and I couldn't move. I couldn't run.

When the figure came out of the fog it revealed and angel. She had curly brown hair with a golden halo over it and green eyes. She wore a long sleeved dress that reached to her ankles. She looked a lot like a younger version of my Auntie Helen.

"Hello Valentina."she spoke. "Where am I? who are-."I started but she just chuckled and said "You must have a lot of questions darling. To answer no you are not sick. Yes you did leave 2018 and your family. And yes you are seeing me through your dreams but this is real. I am real.". When she finished I couldn't speak. I didn't know what to do so I let her talk more.

"I will be honest with you. The family you are with right now is your real family. You were never meant to be born in 2002. You were meant to be born in 1898. But let's cut to the chase. You have the knowledge of the future and fate of this family. You can either save them from execution or go to the end with them. It's really your choice And don't worry you won't have to suffer much longer of loneliness."

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