C h a p t e r N i n e t e e n

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Photo: Grand Duchesses Olga and Maria Nikolaevna Romanova with cousins in Lividia 1912

November 1912
Today was Olga's birthday, she was turning 17. I was excited for her and couldn't wait to give her the present that I got her. Ella woke me up early today so I could surprise my older sister. The big pair were staying in a separate room from mine. I was a little sad since I wanted to stay with them but I'm sure the adults knew if we stayed together then we would sneak out to hear their conversation.

I sat as Ella styled my hair. "Are excited to be turning 15? You will be able to put your hair up sooner."Ella exclaimed trying to make conversation. "I guess.". I watched her frown through the mirror as I gave her short responses. I turned around and suggested,"You should put up my hair now.". Ella looked at me like I was joking. "Valentina! No I cannot! I'll get in trouble.".

"Fine then! Let me style my own hair."I argued. "No Valentina! Your Grandmother will fire me! I can't afford this!". "I'll take the blame."I convinced. After a few hesitant seconds, "Fine."Ella sighed, defeated sitting in the love chair. I let my hair all down and brushed it. I put my hair half up and tied it. I looked in the small mirror with pride as it came up looking decent then the last time I did it.

"I'm done." I say, standing up and getting ready to head to breakfast. "Is this how you used to wear your hair?"Ella questioned me. I nodded my head, heading towards the breakfast area. She silently trailed behind me as the table came to view with grandmother sitting at the head of the table. She silently sat reading her book while a lady in waiting stood near her waiting for any of Grandmother's orders.

"Good morning."I say while taking a seat near her, catching her attention. "Good morning Val- What have you done to your hair!"she scolded. "I styled it myself.". "You can't go out with your hair like this! Valentina we are not having this conversation! Go change before your father and sisters come."she ordered. As if on cue Papa came with the Big Pair and Aunt Olga.

"Good morning sunshine!" My Papa beamed, kissing my cheek. He sat down next to me while Aunt Olga sat across from me. Tatiana sat next to Aunt Olga and Olga sat next to Papa. "Happy birthday darling! We have a special breakfast prepared!" Grandmother said switching her tone. Servants came in with piles and piles of delicious foods.  They placed a plate of pancakes and fruits in front of Olga and the rest of us had scrambled eggs with sausages. "Granny! You shouldn't have!"Olga said looking at the dish in front of her.

Everyone started to silently eat their food. "Valentina your hair... it looks... unusual?"Tatiana started. I swallowed the food that I was eating,"I styled it today.". "Where did you learn to do this hairstyle."Olga asked. "I- um, I learned it a while ago."I replied. I tried not to bring up 2018 because that wouldn't help my case in the Brain surgery. Aunt Olga noticed my uncomfortableness and thankfully changed the topic, "Olishka are you excited for today?". "Yes! What are we doing today?!"she exclaimed.

Grandmother laughed, "It's a surprise.". We finished eating and got ready for the day. But before I left for my room I pulled Olga aside and gave the box that contained the bracelet. "Happy birthday Olishka!" I exclaimed in russian. Olga looked at me with ecstatic eyes. She took the box and opened it. She took the bracelet out of the container and studied it. "Valentina, I'm lost for words this is such a beautiful gift! Thank you so much darling!"she noted. I smiled as she took me into her embrace.

Ella helped me get dressed in the clothes my Grandmother picked out. It was a white short sleeved dress. I got it on and kept my hair the same. Ella was perfuming me. "Where are we going?"I questioned. "We are going into town for shopping today."she answered. I nodded my head, "Does Olga know?". "No."

After Ella finished preparing me she walked down stairs with me. "Do you want to get married?"I asked. Ella looked at me taken back by the question. "Well, yes I do.". I looked at her trying to analyze her reaction, "So young?". "It's not really young. I'm the average age to get married.".

"Do you love him?"


"When are you getting married?"I asked. "During the summer time when it's warm outside and I don't have to wear piles of coats."Ella said. We got to the front doors where Grandmother stood with her cane and a big hat on her head. She stood with three ladies in waiting behind while talking to Aunt Olga. I joined them while Grandmother instructed what wrinkles had to be fixed on my dress to Ella. The Big Pair came with two ladies in waiting. Both of them had matching pink dresses.

"Well my dear darling Olenka for your birthday we are going to town for shopping."Grandmother explained. Olga squealed in excitement with Tatiana. Grandmother smiled at their reactions and turned to look at me. I smiled at her and looked back at Ella standing with an uncomfortable look near the russian ladies in waiting.

The servants came in with fur coats to keep us warm in the cold cloudy November. They helped us put it on and opened the doors with the guards escorting us to the two carriages waiting. Tatiana whispered something to Olga which made her blush and lightly shove Tatiana, while she died in giggles. I sighed and walked alone. I watched as Russian officers stood around guarding. My eyes started to wander around each of their faces hoping to recognize the gleeful look Misha always has. But to my dismay I didn't find him.

When we arrived to town, the whole street was closed off for us containing the most luxurious stores. Olga wanted to go to a jewelry store so we went there first. I had Ella by my side helping me choose a ring. "Ella please go back to your spot."Grandmother commented. I turned to look at her, "No! She was helping me!"I said in protest. "You have your family to help you. You have your sisters.". I sighed frustratedly but not loud enough for the big pair to hear.

I knew that I didn't need the ring but it was nice to look at. After Ella was sent back to her spot, near the other ladies, I lost interest in looking and stood patiently waiting for everyone else to finish. I looked at the beautiful silver jewelry. Personally I never really liked gold and always prefered silver. Some of the jewelry had such vibrant colors that it shimmered through the glass display acting as it wasnt there.

When everyone finished we moved onto a hat shop. The hats had all the sizes and shapes you could imagine. The big pair giggled as they tried on the large hats that were far too big for their heads. Some hats had towers on top making it look like Marie Antoinette's hair. I laughed at the one Olga had on. It was large and green covering half of her face with a pile of fake tacky flowers. I honestly felt bad for the store clerk and the owner of the shop as they stood patiently with the most nervous looks I've ever seen on someone. They kept their eyes on Grandmother as she moved around the store while talking to Aunt Olga with the ladies trailing from behind.

The big hair bought 5 matching hates. They were medium sized in the color violet with three flowers sewn into it. They said it was meant for OTVMA when I return home but couldn't help but feel like that wasn't happening anytime soon. I shrugged them off when they said it. I didn't mean to come off cold and uncaring but I wouldn't want to think about how long and far apart I will be from my sweet sisters and Mama.

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