The Result of Curiosity

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Your footsteps echoed loudly around you as you quickly walked down the hallway. The light blue walls with hanging tapestries faded together as you quickly rushed towards a large set of doors. Quickly, you burst through them as you entered your destination and quickly approached the two people in front of you. You knelt to the ground, staring at the floor waiting for someone to speak.

"Your name?" A smooth voice inquired and you slowly lifted your eyes to the two people in front of you.

"(Y/n) (L/n)." You shakily say as you continue to stare at the figures.

One of the people looked down at a tiny slip of paper, "Well (Y/n) (L/n), It appears that you are five minutes late."

Embarrassment flooded your cheeks as you looked back to the floor, "I-I'm sorry Your Highness," you whisper, "I got caught up in town and-" The sound of someone clearing their throat cut you off and you looked up, finally taking in the features of the two people.

Two boys with similar features looked down at her. They both had curly brown hair and similar faces, the only difference being one had blue eyes and the other had green. On top of their head lay two similar silver crowns, showing their status. You inwardly gulped as they stared at you angrily.

"Are you saying that your silly little peasant business is more important than an audience with the princes of this kingdom?" The one with green eyes angrily said as he leaned forward waiting for you reaction and response.

"N-No! Not at all Your Highness," You stutter, "I just don't know why you brought me here, and my mother had trouble with the harvesting so I stopped to help her quickly, but then I realized I was late and-"

"Enough!" Shouted the green-eyed boy angrily and you watched as the blue-eyed one placed his hand on his brothers shoulder. The green-eyed boy cleared his throat.

"I suppose you don't know why you're here," He sighed, "Right now we're at the inconvenience of being short-staffed in our maid department. Ever since our last one...vanished...its been hard to find any other employee that would take up the task." He finished sadly.

You look at him dumbfounded, the lines starting to connect in your head, "Y-you want me to work for you?"

Both of the boys nodded, hiding all emotion as they looked expectantly at you.

"In the palace?" You squeaked out, suddenly overwhelmed at the prospect of spending everyday in such a large place.

The green-eyed boy shook his head, "Of course you pillock. Brother she doesn't seem to be very smart does she?"

"P-pill...pillock?" You asked, confused.

"Pillock: Someone whos very stupid and/or foolish." The blue-eyed boy recited as he looked at you in amusement.

You glared at him for a moment before regaining your composure, "Listen Your Highness's, thank you very much for the offer but I don't think I can do something like that."

Both boys got up from their throne and started walking towards you slowly and bent down in unison.

"Why not (Y/n)?" The green-eyed boy cocked his head questioningly.

The blue-eyed boy stared at you, "Brother she might not know who we are, since we keep to ourselves so much. That might be the problem"

The green-eyed boy clapped his hands, "That's right," He concluded. He smiled as he leaned into you, "I'm Aiden," he whispered in your ear, causing a shiver to run up your spine. The blue-eyed boy grinned as well, "And I'm Connor," he whispered in your other ear.

Suddenly aware of their close proximity you backed away from them, embarrassment making your cheeks a dark red.

Aiden turned to Connor, "Now Brother, if I didn't know any better, I'd say she's flustered." He laughed.

Connor kept his gaze on you, amusement twinkling in his eyes, "It would appear so."

You quickly got up and bowed, "Your Highness's, I thank you for the offer, but I have to respectfully refuse." You said, staring at the ground. The temperature in the room dropped and you suddenly felt like shivering as you slowly looked up to see the two boys. Each one had an indifferent face, but a cold stare in their eyes. Connor was the first to shake it off.

"(Y/n)," he said with a sigh, "I was hoping you would accept however it seems that you don't want to take this job either."

You shook your head to agree with his statement.

"However," interjected Aiden, "we do not like being denied something we want, now do we dear brother?"

Connor shook his head as he smiled slightly at you.

"I-I'm really sorry about this," you stutter, your (e/c) eyes meeting Aidens cold ones.

He tusked and walked towards you, "Dear, dear, (Y/n). In the few minutes we've talked I've grown quite fond of you already. Wouldn't you agree Connor?"

"I would most certainly agree, to the point that I really don't want to see her leave..." The blue-eyed boy trailed off as his gaze switched from his brother to you.

"In all actuality, we were already fond of you (Y/n). Everyone in the village talks about you. We had to see you for ourselves, but you've held up all of our expectations," Aiden murmured as he reached out to grab a strand of your (h/c) hair. You swiftly backed up out of his reach and continued until you hit the doors.

"Brother it seems as if she wants to leave," Connor said, "She looks most uncomfortable."

"I-I would very much like to leave," you stammered, "M-may I please leave?"

Aiden sighed and Connor looked at you sadly. "You cant run away from this (Y/n)," Aiden said, "We'll give you one week to give the proper answer to our question. A messenger will come for you. Until then, you may leave and do whatever you want."

As soon as the words left his lips you flung the doors opened and raced down the halls, startling a few of the guards and staff.

Aiden and Connor stared until they could no longer see your figure.

"This is going to be fun, isn't it Brother?" Connor asked, amusement lacing his voice as he pulled something out of his pocket.

Aiden turned to look at him and the thing he now held in his hand, A queen chess piece. "Of course, we finally found what we were looking for and there's no way we're letting her go now." His voice echoed around the room as they both stared at the hallway you had ran down.

A/N: Hi! This is my first time ever doing a story like this, and I know its still the beginning, but I really hope this story can grow in terms of my writing style and you guys leaving comments! I have a lot of plans in store for this story and I hope others are as excited as I am!~

One Desire (Yandere Twins x Fem Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin