Halloween Update!

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Hi guys! So first off, welcome to the halloween update but I have a few things to tell you. !This update does not directly correlate to the storyline! I ended "One Desire" in the ways I deemed most represented the overall feeling of the story. This was just a little side story on what could've happened after you escaped. Secondly! Im very sorry if you were expecting Connor and Aiden in this, but it's geared towards Micah and Reed (Check back on Christmas for them maybe). Anyway, enjoy the story!

The neighing of a horse could be heard from outside the house as you folded clothes and placed them into a small wicker basket. You sighed as you folded the last shirt and picked up the clothes, heading farther into the house.

It had been 5 months since you and Reed had escaped from the kingdom and the princes. Each day free from them seemed even more lovely than the last and you always made sure to be thankful for the freedom you had.

You walked up a set of wooden stairs and emerged on the second floor where you opened the door closest to it. Inside, grey walls and a wooden floor made up a room and a wooden bed with a small mattress was tucked into the corner. A desk was on the other side of the bed and on it sat an unfinished drawing, or more sketch, of a horse.

You set the basket down on the bed and went over to the desk, picking up the paper gently. You could trace all the erase marks, but the finished product was near anatomically correct to a horse. Smiling, you set the paper back down and left the room, going into the one across from it.

Again, it had grey walls and a wooden floor, but was slightly larger. A bigger bed sat in the corner and an equal sized desk sat on the other side, however, a  stack of books sat on top of this one. This was your room.

You sat down on the bed, letting yourself have a moment to relax. If you strained your ears, you could hear Reeds voice outside, however you couldn't tell if he was talking to a horse or another child. Your gaze wandered to the small calendar hanging on the wall and froze.

Immediately you shot up from your bed and ran back downstairs. You opened the door and stepped outside, going around the side of the house to the small stable. Reed sat there beside a horse, running a brush through its mane as he talked to it. Seeing you come around, he stopped mid-conversation and stood up, grinning.

"Hey (Y/n)! I was wondering when you would realize." He laughed slightly, his blue eyes sparkling.

You looked at him apologetically, "I thought today was a normal day. I'm so sorry Reed."

He shook his head and stood up, grabbing your hand, "Its okay. We still have plenty of time left."

You nodded and the two of you started walking down the small dirt road that led away from your house. It was a Thursday which meant the two of you traveled into the village and spent the day there together. Just the two of you.

The way it started was kind of silly. When the two of you had gotten far enough away from the kingdom, you had found a small village. Most of the people living there were very kind and told you of a vacant house about a mile outside of the area. Realizing that it was probably the safest option, the two of you had moved in.

An old lady living in the village who went by Ms. Waples made you promise that you would visit the village once a week for the first month so that she could make sure the two of you were 'taking care of yourself.' After that, the habit just stuck.

Reed skipped down the road, slightly ahead of you. You smiled, noticing how carefree and childlike he was now that he didn't have a lot of stress on him. You were a different person now too. It was refreshing.

One Desire (Yandere Twins x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now