Ears Are Everywhere

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Connor and Aiden made eye contact over your sleeping form. The sun had just barely risen and its rays had slowly started to come into the room.

Connor glanced down at you again, making sure you were sleeping before opening his mouth, "What do we do? So much happened last night. Was she lying? How do we explain your going and breaking her fingers?! She's gonna hate us!"

Aiden winced at the thought of you hating him, "I'm not sure. We can check with Reed today. If she's lying...I don't know where she could've gone." He paused for a moment, thinking. "(Y/n) doesn't seem like the best judge of character either. She's strong-willed and determined, but if something throws her off course she seems to lose her judgement. Maybe...If we seem really guilty, shed a few tears, and apologize, she'll forgive and forget. I don't think I actually broke her fingers; it was just a shock to her probably since I woke her up so suddenly."

Connor nodded, "So when she wakes up, we'll explain to her that it was an 'accident' and then go interrogate Reed."

Aiden sighed as he stared down at you, "That's the plan. Why would she hide something from us? We love her. She should trust us. It makes me so...so..." His heart pounded in his chest at the idea of you purposefully lying and hurting them.

"Brother..." Connor trailed off, trying to bring Aiden back to reality.

"Sorry," Aiden mumbled before laying back down next to you, "I'm going to try to catch another hour or so of sleep before she wakes up."

Connor nodded and they both settled back in next to you.

Outside in the hall, an ear rested against the door and blue eyes widened at what they had just heard. Micah had come to make sure nothing had happened last night, but something obviously had.

Broken fingers...What on earth did they do....?

Slowly, he backed away from the door and bolted down the hall, needing to inform Reed immediately.


Your hand traveled up your face to rub your eye as you slowly sat up. You blinked a few times and yawned before realizing there were two sleeping bodies beside you. Everything rushed back to you from the night before and you shot up and off the bed.

"So much for another hour." Aiden moaned as he turned to look at you.

"You said it yourself. She's up with the sun." Connor replied tiredly as he sat up, meeting your gaze.

Your eyes fell to your hand as you tried to make a fist. It hurt slightly, but you didn't think anything was actually broken. The pain from last night still lingered in the back of your brain as you stared at the brothers angrily. Suddenly, you were caught off guard at Aiden's green eyes welling up with tears as he stared at you.

"(Y/n)..." Aiden murmured as he looked between your hand and you, "I-I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that at all. I wasn't myself last night! I had terrible sleep thinking about it and I just couldn't think about anything else." A single tear fell from his right eye.

You watched silently as Connor moved over and gave his brother a gentle hug before looking at you solemnly, "(Y/n). Forgive him. It's been very difficult for us these past few days. Do you notice how you've never seen our parents around the palace?"

You nodded silently, confused at Aidens display of weakness and Connors apparent sadness.

"They died a few years ago. Tomorrow...is the anniversary. We were terribly, terribly close to them and when we learned of the news that they had been assassinated, well, we never fully recovered." You saw Connor blink a few times before he looked down at the comforter on the bed.

One Desire (Yandere Twins x Fem Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang