Too Good To Be True

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Your legs burned as you ran down the road through the forest that lined the way to the village. Your lungs burned but you didn't notice. You were too excited.

 Behind you, the sun was setting, making the sky different shades of pink and orange. Slowly, the village came into view and a cry of delight escaped your lips. You were almost there. You were almost home.

 You entered the village, the paved road changing to a dirt path and looked around. Merchants were closing up their shops and people were starting to return to their homes. You wandered around for a few minutes before spotting two familiar figures sitting on a haybale outside of a barn.

Your heart soared, "Alex! Nadia!"

Two heads whipped around towards you and stood up. A figure started running towards you and you ran towards them. You collided, both your arms wrapping around each other. Losing balance, you fell to the ground, but you didn't care.

"Oh my god," Nadia breathed, "I thought I'd never see you again! (Y/n)! Its you!"

You clung to her as if she would disappear if you let go. "Nadia..." Your voice quivered, "I didn't think I'd see you either." You slowly pulled away and looked up to see Alex staring down at you in disbelief.

Tears now starting to form in your eyes you pulled him to the ground with you and all three of you hugged. You realized just how much you had missed them, and the tears spilled over.

"Alex...Nadia." You murmured into a shoulder and gripped their shirts.

"How?" Alex asked, still in disbelief.

"Help. Someone's risking their life for me right now. I can't stay forever. I-I have to go back, but I needed to see you guys." You answered as you slowly pulled away from them. Nadia stood up and held out her hand. You took it and stood up dragging Alex with you, barely noticing the dirty state of your clothing.

"Where are my parents?" You asked, already heading towards your house.

"They locked themselves inside after you left. Only your fathers come out to buy necessities." Alex answered, trailing after you.

You came to a wooden door and silently opened it. Peering in you could see two figures sitting at the kitchen table, the air thick. You stepped inside.

"Mom? Dad?"

Both the people turned around and suddenly someone else was wrapping their arms around you.

"Oh my baby! My child. You're here. I was so afraid. I hadn't seen you at all that day and then to hear you had been whisked away to the palace..." Your mom cried into your shoulder and you silently wrapped your arms around her as well.

Your dad came over and hugged both your mother and you and you all sank to the floor in one big pile.

"My daughter." Your father breathed into your hair and the tears started coming again. Your body shook with your sobs as you hugged your parents back. Soon, Alex and Nadia had joined and you all sat in a huge mess on the kitchen floor.

Your mom pulled away, her arms still on your shoulders. "Im so glad you're back. Tomorrow, I'll make your favorite pancakes. Ruby missed you too. No one pays attention to her like you do. You can help your father tomorrow morning and-"

Your heart shattered as you shook your head.

"What do you mean baby?"

"Mom," You whispered, "I can't. I have to go back."

Both of your parents grip on you tightened, "No! You can't! You mustn't We'll run away...Tonight! Alex and Nadia can come as well. Okay? Okay!?" Your mom was shaking.

One Desire (Yandere Twins x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now