This is Love

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Everything happened suddenly. Connor yanked you away from Micah and Aiden pulled Micah over to him. You saw panic flash in his eyes and you struggled against Connor.

"Aiden! Don't hurt him!" You yelled trying to push Connor away from you.

Aiden had one hand on the hilt of his sword, the other holding Micah by the collar of his shirt. There was no emotion in his eyes.

"I knew you would be a problem." Aiden sneered as he slowly pulled the sword out.

"Aiden! Stop it!" You screamed. "Connor make him stop!"

Micah looked at the sword warily, "Prince Aiden I-"

"Don't 'Prince Aiden' me. We tried so hard to make (Y/n) realize she loved us and then you come in and ruin it. You've ruined everything." Aidens tone was dark.

You clawed at Connors grip, "I said stop! Why won't you listen!"

Aiden glanced at you before throwing Micah to the ground.

"Oh thank god I-" Your eyes widened as Aiden put his foot on Micah's chest and held the sword to his throat.

"(Y/n) dear. He can't live. We've lost so much progress to him." Connor said softly as he gazed at Micah in hatred.

"No! You guys are insane! Don't hurt him!" You reached out for Micah, but Connor yanked you back.

Aiden pressed the sword firmly against Micah's neck. A small trickle of blood fell to the floor and you saw him wince. Micah looked at you, his face filled with fear.

"Who'll make my dress!?" You cried, hoping to find something to reason with them.

Aiden turned to look at you, indifferent. "We can hire someone else."

You shook your head, "Not as good as him! Please Aiden!"

He scoffed and turned back at Micah, "Pathetic. The only thing you can offer us is a dress. Do you have anything to say?"

Micah went to say something but immediately shut his mouth as Aiden pressed harder.

"Hm, guess not. Well, if you're not going to give me an excuse I'll just have to..." Aiden placed both hands on the sword.

"No!" You screamed. "Stop-!" Connors hand covered your mouth and you shook your head violently.

"Say goodbye to your angel." Aiden mocked as he looked down at Micah crazily.

You screamed and managed to move your mouth away from Connors hand. You saw Aidens weight shift.

"I hate you! I'll hate you forever!" You cried as you sank into Connors grip. "I hate you...I hate you..."

Aiden froze and looked over at you, "You don't mean that dear."

"Yes, I do!" You screamed, your (e/c) eyes filled with fear.

"Why?" He asked innocently.

"You're going to kill him!"

"Doesn't he deserve it?" Connor asked, looking down at you.

"No! No one deserves it! I hate you!" You squeezed your eyes shut and tears rolled down your cheeks.

Aidens eyes darkened and he lifted the sword away from Micah, coming over to you. "You don't mean it." He growled.

You opened your eyes and panicked at his close distance. You could see Micah in the background staring at you in horror. You pleaded silently for him to go.

Connors grip on you tightened and Aiden ran finger down your cheek. You flinched and turned your head away from him.

"Say it dear." Aiden said softly. You saw Micah get up and silently come up behind Aiden. Your eyes widened and you shook your head, causing him to stop.

One Desire (Yandere Twins x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now