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The crowd turned their gaze to the two princes, every face a mixture of curiosity and skepticism.

Neither Connor nor Aiden was looking at them. They were too busy seething with anger as they looked at your mask.

A guard came up and whispered something in Aidens ear. He nodded and something flashed in his eyes before he smiled and looked at the crowd.

"Our apologies everyone. It seems our dear queen has gotten lost in the palace on her way here. I'm sure she's just overwhelmed seeing as she's come from a simple village. We'll go get her and bring her here." He tilted his head and smiled.

Connor smiled as well, "However, do not wait for us. Please enjoy the masquerade even while we're gone." They both stepped off the raised platform and made their way through the crowd to the doors.

They stepped into the hallway and ascended the stairs before they let their happiness fall from their face. It was replaced with pure anger and there was no emotion in their eyes.

"Guards!" Connor shouted angrily as they made their way down the hall.

On cue, a dozen guards made their way towards the princes and awaited their orders.

Aiden stopped and grabbed a guard. Connor continued with the others.

"Did you need something, Your Hi-" Aiden drew his sword and in an instant the guard in front of him was dead.

He sighed and caught up with Connor, "Oh the things she makes me feel...Having to kill to relieve stress...(Y/n)...why did you have to run?"

Connor glanced at his brother before stopping at his destination. His jaw tensed as he turned the knob of the door and allowed it to swing open.

Your room was empty.

Something snapped inside him and he turned around to the nearest guard. "How? How did you let her escape without a single person seeing!?" He grabbed the guard by the collar of his shirt.

The guards eyes widened, "I-I'm not sure! There's no guard report! Maverick delivered her to the spot and then no one else saw her! That's all I know. P-please I-" He coughed up blood and looked down to see a sword shoved through his chest.

Connor let him fall to the floor before looking at his brother who was pulling his blade out.

"How did we hire such incompetent guards?" His voice was dull as he sheathed his sword and turned to his brother.

Connor nodded slightly before turning to the remaining guards, "Listen. I want every, and I mean every guard to go over every inch of this palace and the grounds and look for her. She couldn't have gotten far. For every 5 minutes she's still gone, I'll kill one of you. Do you understand?"

Every guard quickly nodded their head.

"Then go do it!" Aiden snapped as he rested his hand on the hilt of his sword.

They glanced at the sword before they quickly dispersed, running down the halls.

"(Y/n)..." Connor said as he looked around the room angrily, "Now where did you go?"


You'd never ridden a horse this fast before. The ground was passing so quickly beneath you that you were sure Mei would take flight any second. You were on the dirt path that led to the village. No one would've made it this far yet, so it was safe to travel on the normal road.

You rode in silence, wondering about everything. Had the princes found out yet? How far were the guards? Where was Reed?

You shook your head and focused your attention back to the road. You couldn't think about any of that right now. You just needed to get to the spot where your family was waiting.

"What do you mean the queens gone missing?!" You heard someone yell up ahead and you quickly jerked the reins so that Mei would stop.

"She apparently ran away. The kings have gone crazy. Four guards have died so far and they're threatening to kill all of us if we don't find her." The sound of reins snapping and horseshoes hitting the ground brought you to your senses.

Quickly, you guided Mei towards the forest and disappeared just as the pair of guards rounded the corner.

"Did you see that?" One of them asked as he stared into the trees.

"A fox. I've seen too many of them around here." The other replied as they passed your hiding spot.

So the princes do know...You thought as you watched them disappear from your sight. You slowly emerged back onto the trail and flicked the reigns, forcing Mei to continue the pace she had been at.

I need to get there as soon as possible.

You scanned the path, looking for any other silhouettes of guards as you made your way around the outskirts of town.


Aiden glanced at the soldier as he fell to the ground next to the three others.

"Twenty minutes." Connor murmured as he paced back and forth. "Can't these damn fools do anything?!"

Aiden ran a hand through his hair and looked at the dead guards in disgust, "Sometimes you just have to do the job yourself."

Connor glanced at Aiden and nodded, "Well. Let's get our horses then."

The twins made their way outside, finding slight joy in the fact that every guard they came across shied away from them. Connor was listening for any indication that you were nearby, and Aiden was scanning the forest and trail. He raised his eyebrows briefly as he saw a pair of footsteps head into the forest but he brushed it off. Maybe one of the guards had been doing their job right.

They came to the stable and looked around.

"Reed." Connor growled as he stepped inside.

There was no answer.

"Where did that brat go?" Aiden came in and looked around.

The stable was dark and quiet. The moonlight coming in through the entrance illuminated it slightly and allowed the twins to bypass any barrels in the walkway.

Connor made his way over to Mei's stable and stopped. There was no horse there. He glanced to see Aiden with a puzzled look in front of Kia's stable.

"Hey. Is Kia over with Mei by any chance? She's not here" Aiden called out as he turned to look at his brother.

Connors face paled and he punched the gate in anger.

"They took the horses." He growled as he made his way back outside.

"They what?!" Aiden yelled as he followed Connor outside.

"Guards!" Connor yelled and two came over.

"Yes, Your Highness?"

Connor didn't even bother to look at them as he shoved one off of his horse and climbed up.

"Brother come on. This is the only way to catch up to them."

Aiden nodded and did the same to the other guard who was too busy staring at his comrade in horror to run.

"Before we go, can I check something out that I saw earlier?" Aiden asked as he situated himself on top of the black horse.

"Of course."

The two set off back down the gravel path. After a few moments Aiden stopped and hopped off the horse. He disappeared into the forest, following the footsteps he'd seen earlier. He came into a small clearing and looked around. There was rope and a familiar dress lying on the forest floor.

He came closer and noticed a folded white piece of paper.

Well, well, well... He picked it up and read over the message.

"Gotcha..." He said happily as he made his way back to Connor. 

A/N: We're getting there ^-^

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