2. Vibes

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Shouldn't have to be said but don't make any forest fic references or any trees/forest song references or you will be muted

Tyler stood in front of the old house, his house, a box in his hand. The movers had just left after getting all their furniture inside so all he and his siblings had left to do was bring boxes in while his mom went to the store to get more cleaning supplies.

Tyler has been inside this house twice. Once, when his mom met the realtor, and once when they first got here about fifteen minutes ago.

He did not like the house one bit.

It was old, like so old he thought if he breathed too hard the walls would fall down. The wood floors were broken, the carpet was stained, the wallpaper was peeling, and the paint was chipping. It was dirty too since no one has lived there for so long.

It was a fixer-upper house, his mom had said.

It was a dump, Tyler had thought.

But, it really was the only house they could afford in their small town. They didn't have many options at all but only had one with their budget.

Tyler, however, found one plus about their new house: the woods behind it.

Since the house was at the very edge of town their backyard was basically just all forest.

Tyler had always had a soft spot for nature and animals. He loved the peacefulness of it (maybe not the grime) and he loved relaxing in such a natural environment. The animals made his heart flutter too. The boy loved animals so much he had even decided to go vegetarian two years ago during his freshman year of high school.

Although Tyler was wearing shorter shorts and one of Josh's large shirts, it was late September and a slight breeze was carrying through the morning air. Tyler shuddered and made his way inside.

His older brother, Zack had been away at college for two months now but before he left him and Tyler had to share a room and they would have had to when he came back to visit and for summer. However, this house was a bit larger so they had an extra bedroom Tyler's mom was attempting to turn into a guest room. Key word: attempt.

It was nice that Tyler had his own space though. He's been saving up money for awhile so he could decorate his new room exactly how he wanted. Plus, he wouldn't have to worry about Zack teasing him and Josh when he got home.


Tyler looked over to see his eight year old brother struggling with a box marked 'toys'. "Here, Jay," Tyler set his own box down before grabbing the box from his little brother.

"Thank you," Jay smiled appreciatively. "Can you please help me carry that to my room? I can go back out to the truck and get another one of mine."

"Sure," Tyler smiled back, taking Jay's box up the stairs to his own room. He set it on the floor and opened it for him since he knew he'd get bored in about ten minutes and not want to bring in boxes anymore.

He saw Jay bringing in a much lighter box and just as Tyler suspected, as soon as he reached his room his eyes lit up and he set the box down before running to his toys.

Tyler smiled at him before going back out to the living room and grabbing the box he previously had in his hands.

However, once he made physical contact with it a shiver went through his body.

He brushed it off as the door just being open and carried it to his own room.

Once he entered his bedroom, he frowned. It was the second largest room but it definitely wasn't the cleanest. He'd really have to do some scrubbing before he opened any boxes or set anything up. His bed sat in the middle of the room so it wouldn't be too hard to work around it.

He turned and exited the room, jumping when he almost bumped into his sister. "Sorry, Maddy!" He said quickly.

She looked at him. "It's alright, Ty," she assured, setting the box down and pulling the string hanging from the ceiling.

"What are you doing?" He asked the 13 year old.

Maddy looked over at him. "Mom wanted me to put Zack's stuff in the attic. She said the lines at Walmart were all super long but she'll be home soon."

Tyler nodded and walked off, going back out to get more of his things.

It took until dinner time for Tyler to get the boxes into his room and it cleaned enough for him not to feel gross in it. His mom had ordered pizza for them since no one wanted to unpack dishes and Tyler was currently laying in bed, staring up the ceiling.

He's been in the house all day and he's just felt... weird. Not in danger or anything, just off.

Sighing, he grabbed his phone and clicked on Josh's contact. He put it on speaker and laid it next to his head since he was too tired to hold his phone up.

Gracie (who had been at the old house with his dad until about an hour ago so she wasn't in the way of them bringing things in) jumped up on the bed and curled up into his side, rubbing her head against his arm. He pet her gently as he waited for his boyfriend to answer.

"Hey, babe!" Josh answered. Tyler could hear laughing and shouting and other weird unidentifiable sounds in the background.

"Where are you?" He yawned out.

"The skatepark."

"It's like nine at night."

Josh laughed and Tyler smiled. "I know."

"You're wearing pads, right? I don't want—"

"—me getting hurt I know. I'll be alright," Josh assured. "Why'd you call? Everything alright?"

"Yeah I just—"

"Is that Tyler?" An excited voice asked.

"Yeah but—"

Josh was cut off and Tyler heard the phone shifting. "Ty!" A girl greeted happily.

"Hey, Lina," Tyler smiled sleepily.

"I miss you," she made kissy sounds into the phone. "I'll let you talk to your boyfriend. I'll see you at school tomorrow."


"Go away, you dumbass!" Josh laughed at her as he took the phone back. "She's so annoying."

"Not what your mom said last night!" Lina yelled and Tyler could hear the sound of wheels hitting the concrete.

"Anyway, what's wrong?" Josh asked him.

"Um, nothing in particular," Tyler sighed out. "I just... I don't know. I feel weird and wanted to talk to you."

"Weird, how?"

"Ever since we got here things have just felt different. I don't think anything bad's gonna happen but this house just gives me..."

"Bad vibes?" Josh guessed.

Tyler giggled. "If that's what you wanna call it."

"Do you want me to come over tomorrow? See if I feel like anything's wrong?"

"Sure. I'd appreciate that. Thank you," Tyler smiled.

"Of course."

"Joshie?" Tyler mumbled.

"Yeah, babe?"

"I'm so—" he was cut off with a yawn. "—sleepy."

"Go to sleep then. Text me the address so I can show up at the right house to pick you up in the morning."

"Okay," Tyler nodded, his eyes already slipping shut.

"I love you," Josh reminded.

"I love you too," Tyler replied easily.

Thankfully, Josh hung up and Tyler fell into what he later found out would be the worst sleep he's had in a long time.

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