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Thank you to neonpython for the lil Spanish translation. I'll have the English in the inline comment. Also thank you to anyone who has been more than helpful with helping me incorporate a Hispanic character into this story!

Josh and Tyler had just gotten to school and were sitting in chairs in the library. It was better than sitting in their first period class and waiting since they had gotten there early.

Josh was eating from a bag of beef jerky he stole from his parents when Tyler reached his hand in and grabbed a piece, chewing on it.

Josh did a double take. "You're vegetarian."

"Not anymore," Tyler replied as he situated himself in the chair so his legs were dangling over the edge.

Josh blinked. Tyler literally cried for an hour two weeks ago for hitting a squirrel while out driving. Plus, he scrunches his cute little face up in disgust any time he saw meat.

Josh watched him chew and swallow the food in disbelief. "What are you staring at?" He snapped.

"N-nothing," Josh cleared his throat, looking away. However, when he looked away his eyes landed on Tyler's arm and he let out an audible gasp. "Holy shit, what happened to your arm?"

There was a long gash that ran down his forearm and passed his elbow, landing right above his wrist. It was on the top so it wasn't near the main vein or anything but it was still terrible. Yet, it looked completely healed up. It just looked as if it was a scar. On top of that, his veins looked so dark they looked almost black.

However, the cut hadn't been there the day before.

Tyler glanced down at his arm and rolled his eyes. "Just scraped it on something. It's fine."

"Ty, that's not a scrape that's a gash. I'm—"

Tyler looked him directly in the eye. "You are so annoying. You literally make me want to fucking break up with you."

Josh instantly closed his mouth. Tyler didn't cuss. He didn't care if other people did but he didn't like doing it and he just said one of the worst cuss words. "Did you just say 'fuck?'"

"Did I stutter?"

Josh was about to reply when Lina walked in and plopped down on Josh's lap. "Hey, lesbos."

Tyler raised an eyebrow. "Why are you here?"

Lina made a face. "Um, because I always hang out with you guys in the morning?"

"No one wants you here."

Josh shot him a look. "Tyler."

"Just telling the truth," Tyler sighed. "Lina, yesterday was a real eye opener for me," he looked directly at her. "You really hurt my feelings. You were a major bitch too. Plus, you're really fucking annoying. I don't think we should be friends anymore. For my sake."

Josh looked at Tyler with wide eyes. What the hell was his issue? "Tyler, what the fuck?"

Josh looked over and saw angry tears in Lina's eyes. She stood up and grabbed her bag. "Fine, asshole. Espero que te pudras en el infierno donde tú perteneces."

Tyler grinned. "Gracias."

Josh watched Lina walk off. "Lina, wait!" He called, ready to go after her.

"Joshie," Tyler pouted.

Josh whipped his head around, looking at Tyler. Tyler used to call him Joshie all the time. Maybe Tyler this was the old Tyler coming back? "Yeah?" Josh asked, hope evident in his voice.

Tyler sighed. "If you really really love me," he began. "You wouldn't talk to her anymore."

Josh's shoulders slumped in defeat. "Ty, she's our— my best friend."

The mentioned narrowed his eyes. "It's either me or her. You know I've been going through a lot. It would be real shitty for you to just drop me like that."

Josh's shoulders slumped down in defeat. He didn't know what to do. This wasn't his Tyler but maybe Tyler really did need his help. Besides, he could always talk to Lina later and assure her they were still friends. She would understand.

Josh sighed. "Okay..."

Tyler pressed a kiss to his cheek before stealing another piece of beef jerky.


"No! You're a dick! You should've checked on me!"

"Lina, I tried!"

"Did you?"

Josh and Lina were currently talking in the boys' restroom in the art hallway. No one ever used the art bathrooms during lunch since it was on the opposite side of the school, far away from the cafeteria. Well, people came into the bathroom to vape but Josh locker the doors when they got in there.

Josh ran a hand through his dark curls and let out a shaky sigh. "I'm trying here, Lina. I really am. I am so in love with Tyler that it hurts but you're also my best friend in the whole world and I'd do anything for you. I don't know what Tyler's going through and maybe he really does need me."

"I need you too, J," Lina whispered. "You're like another annoying sibling that at the end of the day I'd die for."

Josh gave her a sad smile. "You know I'd die for you too. You're still my best friend. Just... stay away from Tyler until I can get him out of this funk, okay? I don't want him hurting you."

Lina returned the sad smile. "A little too late for that."

Josh brought her into his arms and hugged her tightly, rubbing her back. "I love you," Josh spoke into her ear.

"I love you too, perdedor," she replied and Josh could hear the smile in her voice. "Please don't leave me. Tyler already did. I can't handle losing another person I love."

Josh held her tighter. "You won't. I promise."

They pulled back and Lina pressed a kiss to his cheek before ruffling his hair, a cheeky grin on her face. "Enough with the sappy shit, comprendes? I'm a big girl I'll be okay."

Josh smiled back but he still felt bad. "I promise we'll hang out sometime this week."

"Good. You won't be able to get rid of me that easily," Lina sent him a wink before unlocking the door and walking out.

Josh took a moment to recollect himself, finally leaving the bathroom to deal with Tyler's bullshit.

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