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Warning for blood and gore. Also warning for slight mention of a panic attack.

If anyone is confused you can comment for clarification lmao. It's hard to contribute to "Tyler's"... personality changes... when it's all from Josh's POV.

That next Friday at school, Josh saw Tyler approach him at lunch with a smile on his face. It was weird to see him smiling but Josh wasn't going to complain. Maybe this were getting better for Tyler. Maybe things were going to get better for them. 

"Hey, babe," Josh smiled back as Tyler sat down. "What's got you so happy?"

Tyler looked at Josh and there was an unsettlingly mischievous look in his eyes. "Let's go to a haunted house. Tonight."

Josh gave him a strange look. "We went to one last year and you cried."

"No I didn't," Tyler argued.

"Uh, yeah you did," Josh replied.

"Okay well I'm not a fucking weak ass crybaby anymore. Let's go."

"Tonight?" He was going to hang out with Lina tonight since she had gotten her math grade up. They were going to watch scary movies since Halloween was in a little under two weeks and they wanted to get into the spirit.

"That's what I said."

"I don't know I was supposed to help my uh, mom—" he lied so Tyler didn't know he was still friends with Lina. "—paint the guest room."

Tyler pouted. "Please... Joshie?" He asked, snickering slightly at the name at the end.

Josh looked at him. Tyler sounded sincere but he didn't look like he cared. He didn't look like he cared about anything anymore. Except, for well, maybe Josh.

Josh hoped Tyler still cared about him.

He sighed. "Okay. I'll go."

Tyler grinned again, the mischievous look returning in his eye.


Josh pulled into the parking lot in front of the haunted house that had been set up. It was different than the one from last year. Last year's was meant for elementary schoolers so Tyler was upset when he cried over it. This one was for a little bit older of an age group but it wasn't supposed to be super scary. Just entertaining.

Josh was excited. He loved scary things and Halloween was always his and Tyler's favorite holiday. It only made things better that their anniversary was a week before the holiday.

They got out and began walking up. Josh's hand brushed against Tyler's but he didn't know if he was allowed to grab it.

Relaxation flooded through him when Tyler grabbed his hand instead. Josh looked over at him but Tyler was just staring straight ahead with a bored look on his face.

That's how he looked anymore. Bored or angry.

The two arrived at the front and paid for their tickets. After doing that, they stood in front of the building that had been turned into a haunted house. He saw all different ages going in and walking back to their cars but it was never anyone younger than middle schoolers.

Tyler started walking, their hands still intertwined. "C'mon, loser. I wanna go."

Josh followed and the two walked inside. Instantly, Josh could see some of the gimmicky decorations probably bought at Party City but some of them looked really cool.

The first part of the haunted house was vampire themed and it was sort of lame in Josh's opinion. Tyler still looked bored out of his mind as they continued on through past the werewolves, zombies, and chainsaw killer.

Eventually, they made it to a room spirit themed. They had ghost decorations and pictures that watched you amongst everything else.

Suddenly, all the lights turned completely off and red emergency lights turned on. Josh glanced at Tyler worriedly but Tyler looked calm and collected.

"Is this part of the attraction?" Josh asked him.

"How the hell am I supposed to know?"

The speakers overhead that were playing music crackled and a voice began speaking. "This is not part of the attraction. We are having some technical difficulties with the power. We apologize for this. Exits are located in every section of the house if you wish to leave and refunds will he available at the front. We are going to try and get everything up and running shortly."

"Do you want to stay?" Josh asked once again.

Tyler shrugged. "Why not."

The two stood there, waiting. At the point they weren't holding hands anymore so Josh shoved his in his pockets.

A few minutes later, the emergency lights completely turned off but no other lights came off. The emergency exit door opened but Josh noticed something.

No one was holding it open.

He looked over but didn't see Tyler next to him. "Ty?" He asked worriedly, uneasiness creeping up on him.

There was no response so he walked over to the door. It was dark outside but the moon let a little bit of light into the building he was in.

He glanced out the door and saw a rabbit hopping across the stretch of grass. Josh smiled softly and bent down slightly. "Hi, there," he spoke gently, sticking his hand out.

He didn't think the rabbit would acknowledge him or even hop over but instead of running away, the rabbit looked at Josh and wiggled his nose.

Out of no where, the rabbit exploded. Josh couldn't comprehend it but it just burst. Blood pooled everywhere around where the creature once was and guts and bone were scattered across the grass.

Josh's eyes widened and he stumbled back, his hand over his chest. It was so sudden and so gruesome that he felt his breath hitch and his breathing escalate.

Josh wasn't normally an anxious person but he has gotten panic attacks before so he knew what was happening as he began to feel light headed and tears welled in his eyes.

He lost all concept of reality from the time he registered he was having a panic attack until he realized he was sat down against the wall.

The regular lights were on and there were two employees kneeling down in front of him. One of them had a first aid kit and the other was holding a bottle of water. "Are you alright, honey?" A woman asked Josh.

He looked over and saw Tyler sitting next to him, looking at him like he had gone crazy. Josh attempted to speak but a sob came out. "W-why..."

"Why what?" The woman encouraged gently.

"Why the hell would you have an attraction like that?" He asked angrily, another sob coming out.

"Like what?" The man with the first aid kit asked, confusion evident.

"The— the rabbit. The door. The explosion."

The two employees looked at each other before looking at Josh. "We don't have anything like that here," the man clarified. "Some middle schoolers came up and said you were having a panic attack so we closed off this room and made sure you were okay."

The woman spoke up. "We don't know what you saw, honey. I'm sorry that this happened."

Josh shakily grabbed the water bottle and held it to his lips. He felt miserable.

He was so focused on making sure he was okay he didn't see the sadistic smile on Tyler's face.

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