Chapter 2

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I follow my mom into the dining room, and quickly spot Kyle, next to an unfamiliar blonde.

He looks at me, and I see hope in his eyes, but I send him a nasty glare that has it crushed.


I take a seat next to my mom and Arina, and the conversations begin.

I put some food on my plate, but don't really eat it. I just pick at it with my fork while I try to sneak glances at Kyle.

He's so deep in conversation with everyone around him that he doesn't notice.

He definitely got taller and muscular. His dark blue eyes now look more bright, but not by much. His light brown hair is slicked back and a very light amount of stubble adorns his face.

I look back down and eat a tiny amount of my food before he can notice me staring.

"So, how did you two meet?" I hear Brendon, one of Kyles parents, ask.

"We met at the school. We had a few classes together and we've just been together ever since." I openly look up and watch the conversation.

Kyle was staring at the blonde next to him with some sort of unknown expression I never saw him give anyone.

Including me.

"I mean it made sense later on. He woke up on his birthday and suddenly it's like all the puzzle pieces fell together and we became mates." The blonde says.

My heart plummeted.

"That's wonderful to hear. Sorry, I struggle with names. What is it again?" Dallon, Kyles other parent, chimes in.

"It's Easton."

I clench my fork so hard, it quickly bends in half and snaps.

The two pieces fall onto the table with a thunk, and everyone turns to me.

Arina looks guarded, per usual, and my mom looks worried. I catch Kyles gaze, and he looks concerned. I look over to Easton and he is sending me a curious glance.

"Liam? Do you need a new fork?" I look over to Kay and she's holding one out for me.

I sigh and take it, and begin to eat again, hoping no one mentions anything.

But to my luck, it's mentioned.

"So you're Liam?" I hear Easton ask.

I just nod briskly.

"Kyle tells me a lot about you. It's really nice to finally meet you!" He stretches out his hand, but I'm too busy glaring at Kyle.

"Oh, has he?"

The tension in the room is now thick, and everyone is silent.

Easton seems to notice, and he retracts his hand. Doesn't stop him from speaking though.

"He has," I look curiously at the blonde as he talks to me. "He constantly mentioned how excited he was to go home back to his best friend."

I slam my fork on the table, not noticing the other fork piece cut the palm of my hand.

"Best friend?" I barely manage to get the words out of my mouth, that's how angry and upset I was.

Kyle gives me a guilty look.

"Um...yes..." Easton is now looking between me and Kyle worriedly.

I really wanted to tell Easton how it really was before he went to that stupid camp. How I was in his spot, and all the promises that were made.

But I couldn't do that.

I couldn't just ruin his relationship like that.

"Liam," someone snaps me out of my harsh glaring towards Kyle.

"Your hand is bleeding." Arina nods down at my hand, which actually was bleeding quite badly, and I didn't register the pain until now.

"Shit." I pull my hand off the table and try to use my other hand to apply pressure.

I stand up from the table and begin to leave.

"I can hel-" Easton begins, but I snap.

"No! You've done enough! I can help myself." I growl and leave the dining room.

I don't need to go to the pack hospital when I have way to much medical supplies in my bathroom.

I trudge up the stairs and into my room, and quickly start to rinse my hand with water.

As my hand is under the warm water, I reach for my first aid kit and open it with one hand.

I find a rubbing alcohol wipe, and press it on my hand just as an unwanted visitor appeared in my doorway.


I let out a surprised scream and hiss at the same time, and turn away from him.

"Oh shit, let me help." He reaches out to touch my shoulder, but I turn around and back up before he can.

"I don't need your fucking help." I snarl.

He doesn't seem affected by my snapping, because he just looks down at my hand.

"Your blood is going through the wipe." He points out.

I look down, and sure enough, he's right.

I throw the wipe away and that gives a chance for Kyle to take my wrist on my injured hand.

I spin around and slap him, and he just sighs.

Damn, he's a lot tougher now.

He says nothing as he takes a clean cloth and presses it into my hand, with a lot of pressure.

I snatch my hand from his hold and begin to apply pressure myself.

"Are you sure you don't need help?" He asks calmly.

"Yes, I'm sure. I'm studying on how to take care of these types of things anyways." I huff.

"Really?" He asks incredulously. "It doesn't seem like it."

I give him another glare. "Yes, really."

He crosses his arms. "You forgot the first step for treating a bleeding wound. Apply pressure until it stops."

"I forgot it because I'm so pissed off! Now just leave me alone, I can deal with this myself."

"Really? Because you need a new cloth." I look at my hand, and once again, he's correct.

I threw the used cloth at the wall and scream. "Just leave me alone!"

"I was just trying to help-"

"Want to know how you can help me? Leave. Me. The. Fuck. Alone!"

I feel the need to murder him, when my mom comes in and quickly backs me up and away from Kyle.

"You really need to leave him alone now, Kyle. I can handle this."

Kyle reluctantly lets his Luna back him out of my bathroom and he closes the door.

I hold onto my mom, not caring if I get blood on the back of his shirt.

I cry loudly into his chest, and he just holds me until I can't cry anymore.

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