Chapter 4

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Sprinting to the conference rooms, I make it just in time before they shut the doors.

I quickly spot my family and make my way over to sit near them.

I sit down next to Arina and look down at my hands on the table in front of us.

"Where were you last night, Liam?" She whispers.

I shrug, because I don't really know.

"Also, what the hell are you wearing?" She keeps questioning.

My dad looks at the both of us.

'Will you two be quiet? The council is about to come in.' He mindlinks.

Me and Arina both nod and sit patiently.

A door opens on the other side of the room, and in walks five very intimidating men.

The smell of mint suddenly engulfs me, and vessel starts whining.

My eyes go to the man directly in the middle, who's easily the head of the council.

Power and confidence radiate off of this man, who I'm so busy staring at, I don't notice vessel chanting 'mate' in the back of my mind.

The council and multiple other Alphas in the room begin talking, but I don't listen. All I can do is stare at this man.

He has very light sea green eyes, and dark ashy brown hair. His skin is a perfect tan shade, and holy shit, his jawline.

Is it even possible for someone to have that sharp of a jawline?

I see him start to look towards me, but I snap my head down and turn away from him.

Kay just gives me a confused look.

I just give a small shake of my head and try to cover my face with one of my hands.

I can already feel his sharp stare burning into me.

'Are you ok? You don't look so good.' Kaydence mindlinks.

'I don't feel so good either. I need to get out of here.'

Kay raises a brow and eventually gives into my stare. She turns towards mom and whispers very quietly in his ear.

I see him give a tiny nod, and Kay takes my hand.

'Let's go. If anyone asks questions, you're about to throw up.'

'It's not like I'm going to lie about throwing up anyways. I genuinely feel that way.' I link her back.

We stand up and quietly make our way out of the conference room, trying to go as unnoticed as possible.

And just as I walked out, I turned slightly back to the mysterious man.

His eyes now met mine, and a shiver ran through my body.

But the door shut, stopping our connection.

Kay led me up back to her room, and shut the door with a quick lock.

"What was that all about Liam?" She crosses her arms.

"What was what all about?" I sit down on the bed.

"You barely making it on time? Wearing someone else's clothes? Feeling sick? And what was that staring match between you and Alpha Moretti?"

Questions poured out of her mouth so fast it overwhelmed me.

"Listen, I genuinely don't know, okay? To all of your questions! Me and Kyle got in a fight last night by the pool and I left out of frustration. I got knocked into the pool and suddenly I'm in this random guys bed!" I rush to tell her.

She looked at me calmly, to tell me to continue.

"There was this Beta there, and no, he wasn't in the bed with me. His name was Max or something, and he had this really sexy Italian accent. But that's not the point. Point is, he gave me clothes because mine were still wet from the pool, and now I don't know who's clothes i'm wearing." I finish.

Her face paled when I mentioned this Max guy and Italian accents.

"Liam, what did you do?" She asks quietly.

"I didn't do anything besides fall in a pool!" I wave my arms like a crazy man.

"This Max Guy, his name is Malik. Beta Malik. He's in charge of the Blood Woods pack, along with Alpha Moretti, who you so happened to have a staring match with." She says lowly.

"The blood woods pack? As in the..."

"Most dangerous pack in the world? Located in Italy? Yes Liam, that blood woods pack."

I get up from the bed and start to pace, now really not feeling good.

"And this Alpha Moretti? Who's he?" I stop in front of her after a minute or so.

"Really Li? You don't know him?"

I shake my head, my face paling.

"He's been around for centuries, and no one knows why. He stopped aging when he was 24 or something due to a curse. There's many rumors about it, but no one knows the true story. No one knows his first name either. He's been the head of the council for centuries, and it's never changed." Kay explains with such a 'matter-of-fact' tone, I don't argue with her.

He's my mate.

Oh goddess, he's my mate.

I rush to the closest trash can and throw up.

I grimace when it's mostly water, probably from the pool last night.

I feel Kay's comforting hands rubbing my back until I'm okay enough to move to the bed.

"Anything else about him?" I hesitantly ask.

She gets lost in thought as she sits next to me on the bed.

"Everyone known to enter his pack territory's are known to never make it out. His pack is massive and strong as hell, and only insane people want to test him. He doesn't really speak, I guess. It's not anything bad though." She just tells me things I already figured out for myself.

I gulp and blink back tears.

I know he's going to want me to go with him, back to his pack. I was not going back to Ohio anytime soon. And that thought terrified me.

"Liam, what's wrong?" I hear her whisper.

I look into her warm brown eyes.

"I'm his mate. And I have a feeling I'm not going back home."

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