Chapter 21

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My plane ticket was loosely held in my hand. I felt no motivation to really be strong for anything right now.

Vessel let me have control again when we arrived at the airport. I still just wanted to hide away at the back of my mind though.

My mark was already starting to burn due to being away from Ansaldo. A lump in my throat forms and my eyes get watery. It happens whenever I think about him. And it happens. A lot.

"Now boarding flight 028 to Columbus, Ohio." The flight attendant said through the intercom.

I stand up and begin to wait in line. My suitcase was probably already on the plane, or at least getting on it.

Just as I'm about to give my ticket to the attendant, I hear my name.

"Liam!" I look towards the direction it came from, and I see Ansaldo and Malik running through the airport crowd.

I look to the flight attendant, who seems to be getting annoyed.

"One moment." I quietly say, and step out of line.

They rush into the gate that my plane was at. I pocket my ticket just in case one of the two men decide to rip it from me.

"What?" I snap at the two, mainly towards Ansaldo.

They take a deep breath to catch up from all the running.

"Stay. Please. Hear me out." Ansaldo reaches out for my hand, but I take a step back, sending him a nasty glare.

"I think I've done enough listening for today, Ansaldo." I cross my arms over my chest.

His hopeful expression falls. "Tell me, was what Elizabeth said true?" I ask, my voice failing me and cracking with sadness.

He hesitates, before he gives a small nod.

I bite my lip, and look down sadly.

"Sir, I need to know if you're going to be on the plane." The attendant asks me.

I look back at her, then to Ansaldo and Malik, before nodding.

"Yeah. Sorry." I turn around quickly and hand her my ticket, which she scans, and quickly hands it back to me. I failed to see Ansaldos broken expression during this transaction.

Not turning around, I walk out of the gate and onto the plane.

I'd be lying if I didn't say I cried myself to sleep during the long flight.


"Thank you." I hand some cash to the Uber driver, and get out of the car.

I take a deep breath and inhale the brisk Ohio air.

It feels good to be home.

I just wish it could've been under better circumstances.

I take my luggage and roll it with me to the front door. I feel anxious shivers course through me as I lift my hand and knock.

A few seconds later, the door opens and I see my dad.

"Liam?" He asks, clearly shocked that I'm here.

I thought I could stay strong and not cry in front of them, but that doesn't even last three seconds after I see my parents for the first time in a month.

A sob wracks my body and tears flow down my face.

He quickly wraps his arms around my shaking figure and holds me tightly.

I cry into his shirt, my heart aching and my mark burning.

Another pair of familiar arms wrap around me, and I catch the scent of my mom.

They gently pull me into the house, and shut the door.

My mom pulls away and leaves for a moment before returning with a box of tissues.

I pull away from my dad to take a tissue, and I wipe my tear stained face.

"Let us help you get your stuff up to your room so you can sleep." Mom gently instructs.

I nod and my dad takes my suitcase before I can have the opportunity to even reach for the handle.

I follow their lead up to my room in my childhood pack home, and thank them for setting down the luggage.

"You must be tired. Please, sleep. And when you're ready we will listen to you talk." My mom kisses my forehead, which just reminded me of all the head kisses Ansaldo gave me.

I just put my head in my hands, now unable to cry anymore.

I hear my parents whisper in hushed voices to each other as they left my room and shut my door.

Honestly, I could've totally listened in on their concerned tone of conversation, but it wasn't worth it to me.

I slip off my shoes and socks, and find a pair of sweatpants to wear. Slipping into my cold bed, I slip into a dreamless sleep.


When I woke up, it was dark. I turn over and look at the clock.

I had been asleep for 9 hours.

Realizing how hungry being asleep for so long made me, I stumble out of my bed. I wipe my forehead, noticing the cold sweat.

My body hadn't enjoyed the sleep either, it seems.

I quietly make my way down to the kitchen, and open the pantry. I'm not sure exactly what I was looking for. Anything will do.

My eyes land on a pack of chips ahoy cookies, and I reach up to pull them down. I'm successful in retrieving the sugary snack, and turn around to walk out of the pantry.

"Li." I hear.

I look around, and squint to get a better look at a shadow that comes closer.

"Who-" I stop my sentence when Ansaldo is clear.

"Come back to Italy. Please." He begs.

I close my eyes and rub them. "Just leave."

"I love you. Don't make me go back without you." He continues.

"I said leave!" I yell loudly. I take my hands off my eyes and open them.

He was gone.

He was gone because he was never there.

I step back into the closest wall, and fall to the floor. The cookies were long forgotten about, probably spilled on the floor somewhere.

I feel my mark start to burn horribly, and I cry out in pain. I cup my hand over it to see if any sort of pressure would help.

The kitchen light turns on, and, through blurry eyes, I see Kyles tired figure.

"Liam?" He groggily asks, and rubs his eyes.

I bet he's having a party with the sight in front of him.

His ex on the kitchen floor, surrounded by chips ahoy cookies and crying due to a stupid hallucination and a burning mark.

"Here." Kyle moves my hand slowly, and presses an ice pack to my mark. It just burns it more, and I growl in pain and push him away.

"What's going on?" My dad steps one the room, and his eyes widen at the sight.

"Oh Liam..." he trails off, and rushes over to me, picking me up bridal style.

I drown out voices again. Not sure if it was willingly, or if it was because the pain was so bad, that it sent me back into unconsciousness.

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