Chapter 36

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I fluffed up my hair in the mirror, making it more curly than it was. Dark brown curled fell lightly over my forehead, as I slicked back the sides of my hair, but not by much so it looked more natural.

Finally satisfied, I grab my clothes that I planned out to wear today. I put on a red long sleeve shirt, and black pants. Well, I attempt with the black pants.

I couldn't button them up.

Feeling overwhelmed so suddenly, I sit down with a huff on the bed I share with Ansaldo, and put my head in my hands, trying to refrain from crying.

I faintly hear the doorbell ring, but drown out the rest of the noises, as I simply don't care as much. Finding pants to fit me were more important at the moment. Not some random people coming to visit.

Eventually, the door to the bedroom opens, and my mate walks in. He is clearly about to say something, before he notices what state I'm currently in.

"Whats wrong, Tesoro?" He closes the bedroom door and makes his way over to me, kneeling down in front of me and taking my hands on his.

"My pants won't fit." I sniffle, still trying not to cry.

He quickly stands up and pulls me into his chest, and I latch onto him quickly.

"That's good. It just means our pups are growing." He tells me gently.

I just nod, not really in the mood to argue.

"Here, you can use one of my smaller pairs, and a belt if that helps at all." I let him go as he goes to his dresser and finds a smaller pair of black pants, and a red belt that matches my shirt. He hands it to me, and I kiss him in thanks.

"Now meet me downstairs when you're finished, there's a surprise for you." Ansaldo smiles at me, before leaving the room to give me a little privacy.

Switching out the clothes, the pants fit comfortably as long as the belt is on.

I think this pair with the belt look a lot better with the original anyways.

I put on some black socks and a pair of comfortable black adidas shoes, before going downstairs.

I smell many scents coming from the kitchen, including Ansaldos. Quickly entering, I spotted my mate, and ran to him, sorta tackling him in a side hug. But because of his size, it wasn't that effective as a tackle at all.

He wraps an arm around my waist, instinctively knowing it's me, and I stand on my toes to plant a delicate kiss on his cheek. "I love you." I openly tell him, and he turns his head to kiss me quickly on my forehead.

"Awww!" I hear a squeal, and turn to the voice, and my eyes widen.

My family from Ohio is here?

I see the squeal came from Kay, and I blush, and hide my face in Ansaldos side.

"Liam, I thought bringing your pack for backup and to help would be extremely helpful." Ansaldo speaks up.

I just nod, not wanting my family to see my probably extremely red face. They would say I look like Bob the tomato from veggie tales or whatever.

'Are you ok?' Ansaldo mindlinks me.

'No! I don't want them to make fun of me blushing!' I mindlink back.

Curse me mentioning my current situation, because Ansaldo pulls my head out of his side, just to see my face, because he thinks me blushing is 'cute' or some shit.

He kisses the tip of my nose, and I groan and push myself out of his side, crossing my arms over my chest. When I'm upset, I can be extremely petty. And this was one of those moments.

"Li." He warns.

I stick my tongue out, not responding.

"Oh my goddess, are you pregnant?" I hear my mom chime in the conversation.

Oh yeah, in the midst of this pack chaos, I totally forgot to tell my family about that.

"With twins." Ansaldo proudly announces, and I hit his arm, sending him a look of 'why the hell would you say that?'

He just shrugs, and I roll my eyes.

"And when exactly were you going to tell us this?" My mom pursues.

"I was! I promise, just after all that has been going on in this pack, it totally slipped my mind." I sigh, and begin to rub my temples with the headache that was forming.

My mom hesitates, and looks up at my dad, who just makes a face only my mom is really able to understand.

I guess it's a thing with mates where you can read each other's faces and know exactly what they're trying to say to you, but you can't understand it with other relationships.

"Just please make us aware next time." My mom eventually says, and I chuckle.

I don't want to have any more kids after this, in complete honesty. Two is perfectly enough for me.

"Sure." Is all I say, and my mom smiles before coming in to give me a hug. After he lets me go, I look around to see who is actually in the room.

My parents, my sisters, their mates Cameron and Hannah, Brendon and Dallon, the betas from my pack I grew up in, and Kyle and Easton.

I smile at Kyle, still thankful he knocked some sense into me five months ago.

"How far along are you?" Arina asks me.

"Four months I believe. Maybe five. I should honestly keep track, but I haven't been doing a great job at it." I rest my arms on the counter for support to lean on.

"Well, now that we're here, I'm very willing to help you in any way you need." Mom tells me, and my dad nods.

"Thank you. I really appreciate it, because when they come, I'll truly have no idea what I'm doing." I laugh.

My mom laughs with me "Some of it comes naturally, don't worry."

"So, do you know the genders?" Kyle asks me.

Ansaldo nods. "A boy and a girl."

"You guys are so lucky! Do you have names picked out?" Hannah asks.

"We decided to have a baby to name. Ansaldo has the boy and I have the girl. But no, I haven't decided the name yet." I respond.

Ansaldo nods. "I haven't decided on any names either. But I do have a list." He smiles at me. "Anyways, care to see our training facility?" He wraps an arm around my waist, and I stand up.

They all nod.

"Show us the way." Cameron nods respectfully to me and my mate.

Ansaldo starts leading them outside

"This way."

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