Fun Facts

42.5K 944 380

Ayyoooo before we get into the fun facts about this book, I need to talk to y'all a little bit, author to readers.

I don't know how many of you know this, or how long each and every one of you have been on Wattpad, but fun fact, when you write a story, you can see everything interacting with it. I can see comments, votes, rankings, age and gender statistics, where my story is most popular (like America, UK, etc.) and what reading list you add it to. Just because it's your own reading list, does not mean that I can't see it. I get a notification when you add it to a reading list and what that list is called. So please, before you add someone's story to a reading list of yours titled "don't read this" or "shitty ass books" or anything along those lines, please think carefully. The author can see that.

I can also see replies to comments, and y'all, BE NICE! Please. If I see an argument thread starting, I will not hesitate to shut it down. I don't accept that kind of behavior. My book, my rules. Don't make my super interactive readers have to delete comments because the backlash is too much. I don't want to have to have that happen.

Anyways, sorry about that serious stuff. Things like that sent my anxiety over the edge and I had to log out for a week so I could just chill the fuck out.

Now onto the fun facts!


F: Liam hating whipped cream is based off of the author hating whipped cream. The texture is just to weird.

F: the author sucks at writing violent scenes, so that's why Elizabeth's death was so anti-climatic. (But she is toying with the idea of writing a bonus chapter in Malik's POV about the fight between him and Elizabeth.)

F: Luca was originally supposed to stay dead. But he's literally the authors favorite character in this story, so she couldn't make it permanent. She tried to find a way to develop the story without him getting taken or dying, but couldn't do it without the plot progressing in a way she didn't want it too.

F: Liam's fear on heights is based off of the authors fear of heights.

F: if a chapter is less than 1,000 words, the author does not publish it. That's the minimum amount of words for her to write.

F: Easton wasn't originally supposed to die.

F: Liam originally was going to have a safe Labor and Delivery. (But the author had to spice things up Yanno ;) )

F: Liam and Ansaldo were originally going to kill Elizabeth.

F: the author literally looked up a list of Italian names that meant either Power, Ruler, or King, and that's how she found Ansaldos name.

F: the author loves the salad boi nickname you gave Annie

F: in a few ideas for the plot, Elizabeth didn't die and redeemed herself trustworthy in Ansaldos pack.

F: the author loves to forget things, and the hardest thing for her to remember is the pack name.

F: the repeating dream Liam has was supposed to have a bigger significance and meaning, but it just didn't play out that way. Sometimes writing just really be like that.

F: one of the authors best friends calls Easton "Weston" just because she hates him that much, and the author laughs about it all the time

F: the author wants to do a Q&A where you can ask the characters any question you want, or even the author herself. Please leave your question(s) by the characters name!








Kaydence (Kay)




Liam's Parents


Also thanks for getting this story past 500k reads! My mind is blown that it has grown to be this big already lol ❤️

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