Chapter 42

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It was like one of those scenes in a movie, where everything is in slow motion as people are running around in a panic, and all you really hear is a slight ringing, a persons breath or heartbeat.

That's what I felt like right now, and the breathing and heartbeats were mine.

My eyes went between Easton and Kyle, to Malik, and to Elizabeth.

I see Easton's hand soon limply fall from his hold on kyles arm, and Kyle broke down in a heavy sob, pulling Eastons bloodied body into his chest.

Malik tried to get up from all the glass shards, but he kept flinching in intense pain and laid back down, only to do it over and over again.

Elizabeth's coven members trailed out of the house to see what the fuss was about, only to scream bloody murder and launch into a life threatening fight with wolves twice their size.

I kept a close eye on who came near my hidden spot, but luckily they kept the fighting fairly close to the house.

I watched silently as wolves ran out Elizabeth's pack members quickly. Turns out, they can't operate with their leader dead.

My eyes went back to Kyle as he slowly stood up, looked around in a dazed panic, and ran. To where? I don't know.

I debated on following him and where he was running off to, but I don't think that was the best idea. Especially after what just had happened to him.

Eventually, the fighting came to a slow stop, and I slowly made my way out of my little area and towards Malik.

His wolf did a mixture of a whine and a wheeze when I arrived by his side.

"Malik, shift, I got you. We can get you inside and I can help." I instruct him, and his wolf does as I tell him to.

Soon enough, I'm looking at a cut up and bruised Malik, his black shirt having a red undertone to the color due to his blood.

I carefully help him up as he shifts some of his body weight on me, and we slowly make it in the house together.

I set him down on a nearby chair, and desperately look around for anything that could remotely speed up his healing process. But all I could unfortunately find above ground in this abandoned house was a few clean rags and a sink.

Dampening the cloths, I instruct Malik to take off his shirt so I can clean his cuts and hopefully his wolf will take over. Because lately his wolf as been to depressed to heal his wounds as quickly as it used to.

Not satisfied with just cleaning out his wounds with water, I desperately looked around for something else. But I still found nothing.

"Malik, keep wetting down your cuts, I'm going downstairs to see if there's anything better to help you out, alright?" I turn over to him, and he just nods and winces as he presses another clean cloth onto another major cut.

'If anyone doesn't have anything happening around them, Malik is in the house and is in quite a bit of trouble. Please go keep an eye on him.' I sent through the pack link, and hear several replies saying that they'll be with him quickly.

Satisfied, I block out pack member voices again and slowly trek downstairs, turning on lights as I went into several rooms and checked underneath beds and in drawers and cupboards.

I went into about three different bathrooms and raided the shelves, only to not really find anything besides gauze pads.

Sighing in disappointment, I accept the fact that I probably won't have any luck in finding anything even remotely helpful down here.

For a giant coven, they're sure stupid in not keeping any medical supplies on hand. But yet again, they're all witches and they have their spells or whatever.

I make my way down what I thought was the hall I came from, but stop when I hear a noise.

I listen closely to see if I can hear it again, but nothing comes. Shrugging, I take a few steps down the hallway again before it happens.

The noise.

Narrowing my eyes, I fully stop and look around suspiciously. I wait for it to happen again, and it does. It sounds almost like a painful moan?

Slowly as it keeps happening, and as it gets quiet and quieter as I get closer to it, it comes from a closed door.

I reach out and try to open it, but to my such luck it's locked.

Frustrated, and determined to see what the noise was coming from, I look around for anything useful that will help me get in this damn room.

Usually I wouldn't be this stupid and I would just run from the suspicious noise, but something was telling me, urging me, to check and see what was inside.

I check many other rooms for maybe a key, or something to break down the door knob. Just anything.

Finally, I come across a desk, and as I open one of the drawers, I see papers, files, and a giant set of keys.

Grabbing the keys, I make my way back to the locked door and start to aimlessly put in keys that to my such luck once again, didn't work.

When I was about halfway through the set, it unlocked. Thank goddess, finally!

I open the door and my eyes immediately trail downwards.

I drop the keys, and cover my mouth with my hands.

"Oh my goddess." I barely manage to gasp.

"Help! I need people down here! Please!" I scream at the top of my lungs, and make my way over to what was on the floor.

Or more like who.

Luca, my best friend.

I quickly kneel down next to him and quickly skim over what state he was in, because it wasn't good. But at least he was alive.

Dried blood matted his once beautiful blonde hair, his face bruised horribly and his lips chapped and cut.

What it seems like whip marks decorated his torso, especially his back.

I hold back a low growl, knowing that Easton knew what was happening to him, and that he was alive, but he didn't make an effort to let us know.

I'm too focused on Luca to realize that many wolves have entered the room I was unknowingly shouting from.

And one of them was Malik. He somehow managed to find the strength and energy to get down here.

He let out a cry of relief when he saw his mate, and I stood up and let him take my place by his head. Malik weakly hoisted Luca into his lap and held him close.

Luca barely groaned in pain once again. Malik shushed him comfortingly until help arrived.

"It's okay. We're here. I got you." He repeated.

He was right. Luca was safe, and we could finally promise that.


(Don't hate me anymore for what I did to Luca please 😂

Also, what if I told you Kyles story is now up? How would you feel about that? Go check it out ;)) )

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