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"I heard you wanted to meet me." Suri bowed to the person in front of her, and nodded slowly. "Sit down then." He smiled at her as she sat down in front of him. 

"So what did you want? It must be important, you don't look like your usual self, and does Chan know that you're coming, because it also looks like he doesn't." 

"I know its not my place to say this, but are you sure you want to eliminate Minho and Felix? I mean Minho's mistake was really small, he was just nervous and Felix's Korean can be fixed, my Korean isn't-"

"Suri, I know what I'm doing." 

"But we can't leave both of them. Trust me on this. They're both really talented. Minho is such a great dancer, he was even a backup dancer for BTS, He even choreographed hellevator and he helped me a lot with my dancing-" 


"And he can sing and rap too. Felix voice is really unique and he's going to gain way to much popularity and he's a great rapper and a great dancer trust me-"


"He can sing also, You heard him singing, didn't you? Leaving both Minho and Felix to go like that would-"


"Turn a lot of people against our group, because I already know that they have a lot of fans, because they are talented and-"


"I really think you should give them another chance. For me, for them, for Chan, and for the whole group." 

"Can I talk now?" JYP looked at the girl trainee in front of him, who had tears in her eyes, but didn't let them fall down. He didn't want to believe her and end up regretting everything and also he didn't want not to believe her and also end up regretting it. Both of them weren't bad at all. Actually he thought that they were really talented, and Felix was able to catch his eyes more than one time. Minho is a great dancer too and he really liked his choreographing skills, but they still made mistakes and he wasn't sure if they're going to be the last. 

But he was confused, why was he even worried about this. He knew what he wa doing. Suri is just a trainee after all. He knew better than her, but after listening to her talking about the other two boys he started doubting himself. 

He wasn't just going to listen to a trainee, right? He's the CEO, He knew about this way better than Suri. 

"I'm sorry, Suri." 

9th member; of Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now