Where it all goes down

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"Why doesn't Hyunjin know about us yet?" Jisung asked out of the blue as he looked at Suri who was laying beside him on the bed. 


"Hwang Hyunjin. Why doesn't he know about us?"

"Wait he doesn't?" Jisung just rolled his eyes as he got up from his laying position. 

"Why don't you want to tell him, are you so worried for his feelings?" 

"I seriously thought you told him. I didn't-" 

"Suri, you do know that I didn't tell him and it's so clear that he doesn't know anything." The girl looked at the boy beside her for a few seconds not knowing what to say. She really thought that he told Hyunjin and she thought that was why he was ignoring her most of the times. For Jisung he was more than sure that Suri didn't want to tell Hyunjin, not wanting to hurt his feelings and that annoyed him. Everyone is the house knows by now so why not him too. 

"Han, I-" 

"Listen, its either you tell him your way or I tell him my way." 

"What ways-" 

"I said what I have, Suri." And before the girl could even continue, Jisung was already out of the room. This was the first time Jisung was that angry with Suri and she didn't even understand his point, after all why would she want to hide something like this from Hyunjin. 

Suri got up to follow Jisung, not knowing really what she'd say to him, but still this was suppose to be their first ever fight and it annoyed her that it was about someone who wasn't causing any danger to both of them. On her way out of the room she saw Changbin who looked at her worriedly.

"Everything is okay?" 

"Yes- No, I don't know." 

"What happened?" He asked, but the girl only shook her head. "Jisung just left and he didn't look as happy." 

"He left?" She let out a small gasp, as she looked and Changbin with wide eyes. Changbin pulled her back inside the room, knowing that something bad happened between the two. "Oh my god, he's so childish." 

"What happened?" Changbin repeated the question one more time. 

"Your friend just wants to start an argument and-" 

"He's your boyfriend too." 

"Dude shut up, let me finish. He's mad at me because Hyunjin doesn't know that we're dating, like come on I really did think that he told him, plus Hyunjin has been ignoring me for weeks now, how am I suppose to talk to him and tell him that me and Jisung are dating. Why is this even something to start a fight about?" Changbin couldn't help but chuckle as he watched Suri. 

"Expected." The girl looked at him confused, waiting for him to continue whatever he had to say. "He knows that Hyunjin likes you." 

"Hyunjin doesn't-" 

"He does. Remember how Jisung and Hyunjin weren't on good terms?" Suri nodded as she looked at Changbin confused. "He gets really insecure whenever Hyunjin is in the picture. He always thinks that Hyunjin is better than him. Its a really sensitive topic for him, and when he finally got you, which is like the only thing that he got that Hyunjin doesn't have, he doesn't want to lose you, specially for Hyunjin." 

"But I never showed him that-" 

"I know that you didn't, Su. He's just worried about this situation so he might get it out on you the wrong way, you just need to give him time." Suri sighed as she nodded at what Changbin said, but she was still not happy about the whole situation, but after all she loved Jisung and she was ready to give him everything if he asked for it. 

9th member; of Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now