Unpleasant Meetings

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"Guys would it be okay if I invited someone over?" Suri wanted to prove something to the others, even though she didn't have to, but she wanted to. 

"Yes of course, but who?" Changbin asked going over to where she was.


"Wait, your rumored boyfriend Jinyoung?" Seungmin asked, chuckling as she rolled her eyes at him.

"Yes, that Jinyoung. I would like you guys to meat him." 

"Why? To confirm the rumors to us?" Felix teased, causing her to throw a small paper that was on the floor at him, taking everything as a joke of course.

"Mhm, I'm going to show you guys how happy we are as a couple." 

"Ha Ha, Very funny. I don't thing he should come. I mean if there's people around and they saw him that would cause more drama, we defiantly don't want that." Minho said, earning a glare from Suri. 

"Its almost midnight, no one is around at that time, plus people already calmed down about the whole situation and I don't think people still think that they're dating." Changbin said, but Minho shook his head. 

"Still I don't think its a good idea, but do whatever you like." He said as he turned around and went to his room 

"What the heck is wrong with him?" Jisung asked, but Chan shook his head and smiled at Suri. 

"Jinyoung is always welcomed here, Suri." The girl smiled back at him and nodded.


"I mean wanna one were amazing and I still think it was really stupid to disband you guys." Everyone already liked Jinyoung as soon as he entered the house with chicken so they all can eat together. It took Jisung a while to get Minho out of his room, and even when he got our of his room he was still glaring at Jinyoung and being silent the whole time. 

"We were in a lot of shit the last few month, because we were trying to see if there's anyway for us not to disband, but some of us were already in different groups, some of us wanted to try acting, but you know what we're all still really close." The conversation went on like this, the boys asking him questions and him answering all of them happily. 

Suri seemed quiet happy too that everyone was getting along. She kept looking at both Chan and Minho, surprised of their reactions, because she imagined two different reactions; She thought that Chan would not like Jinyoung and he won't even talk to him, but Chan was talking non stop to him and he was more than nice to him, he even made plans with Jinyoung which of course made Suri more than happy about it, but when it came to Minho he wasn't as happy as she thought he was going to be when he meets Jinyoung. 

She didn't understand why, but the whole day Minho was just glaring at Jinyoung and he didn't even say a word to him, he wasn't as talkative or as smiley. He kept rolling his eyes every single time one of the members laughed at something Jinyoung said or did. Suri of course noticed all of that, but she didn't say anything about it. 

"It was awesome meeting you today, man." Seungmin said as they were saying goodbye to Jinyoung.

"It was great meeting you too, thank you for inviting me today." 

"You can come whenever." 

"It would be better if you didn't." Suri looked at Minho and quickly back at Jinyoung and she sighed as realized that no one noticed except her and Jisung. 

Minho looked away quickly, then he waited for Jinyoung to leave and then he went straight to his room. The others didn't notice the way he was acting as they all started a conversation about how awesome Jinyoung is. Suri excused herself quickly saying that she needed to do something in her room and everyone nodded quickly at her. Jisung followed her upstairs knowing that she wasn't going to her room. 

"What is going on?" Suri asked the second she entered Minho's room. Jisung entered after her closing the door behind him. 

"Suri, listen I was joking." 

"Joking? Joking- You were glaring at him the whole time as if he was a serial killer. Thank god Jinyoung didn't notice." 

"So we're going to live our whole life talking about how awesome your Jinyoung is?" 

"Hyung, stop-" 

"My Jinyoung? Why are you acting like this?" 

"Lets not talk about this now, huh." Jisung tried to stop them again, specially Minho, knowing that he could say anything stupid any second. 

"How am I acting Suri? Do you even notice anything that I'm doing? Do you even notice my feelings?" 

"Of course I notice you. That's how I noticed the way you were acting with him, I don't really understand your feelings about this situation. Min listen, I care about you okay? I don't want you to be annoyed with anything, even if its Jinyoung. You're my best friend after all Min, and Jinyoung is not coming to come between us. Lets not talk about him now, I just want you to be okay." 

Jisung quickly turned to Minho, who gave Suri a fake smile and nodded at her. "Yes Suri, you're my best friend too." Suri gave him a smile back as she moved to hug him, leaving Jisung shocked behind her and a broken Minho in her arms. 

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