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"Yes, our small girl here spoiled a bit from our title song- I guess she just can't keep a secret." Chan smiled at the commented and Suri nodded laughing behind him. 

"She didn't get in trouble too, Our manager didn't even noticed that she spoiled the song." Jisung exclaimed "She gets away with everything guys." 

"I did it so casually that our manager didn't notice, why would I get in trouble?" Suri looked at Jisung, faking a surprise face. 

"I get in trouble without even doing anything." 

"Because you deserve that." Felix said, causing Jisung to throw a pen at him. "Hey." Felix yelled and throw the pen back at him.

"Okayyy kids, It's time to go to bed now." Chan joked as he took the pen away. "It was great talking to you Stays." Chan said using their now official fandom name. 

"Bye bye Stay bananas." Chan pushed Suri out of the frame and waved happily at the camera and then ended the live. 

"That was great guys, do you need anything else or should I go home now?" Their manger got up from his chair that was placed behind the camera, taking his stuff with him. 

"No Hyung, Thank you." Chan said as he got up too. 

"Make sure to sleep early. You'll have to wake up at 7 AM. Chan make sure the kids sleep early." Their manager joked as he patted Chan's shoulder.

"We're not kids." Seungmin said and the other 00 Line and Jeongin nodded.

"Good night, Kids." Their manager waved and left the dorm. 

"Want to watch the whole Harry potter series again?" Suri whispered to Jeongin who nodded happily at her and got up from the couch, followed by her. 

"We're going to our room." Suri said and Jeongin nodded. He grabbed her hand and started running upstairs, but Woojin stopped them. 

"Not to fast kids- put your laptops in my room." 

"But Mom-" Suri joked and Woojin faked a laugh at the girl and then pulled them upstairs to their room. 

"You guys heard our manager, we have to wake up really early so stop acting like babies and sleep now." Woojin said as he grabbed their laptops and pushed each of them to their bed. 

"Night, Kids." He kissed both of them on their forehead then turned off the light and got out of the room. 

"He's such a mom, seriously." Suri said as she hugged her pillow, and looked at Jeongin. 

"I know, Chan-Hyung is such a dad too." 

"I know. Woojin-Oppa was made at me two days ago because I didn't eat my whole meal and he called Chris and they both started talking about how I have to finish my whole meal." 

"Let's buy our own house and stay up till 5 AM." 

"Or better not sleep at all."  


9th member; of Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now