Suspicious Jinnie

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A/N:You're not going to like this chp wiwio

"Good morning." The way Hyunjin hid his phone quickly the second Suri entered the kitchen made her stop in her place. "What were you doing?" She asked with a smirk on her face, and the blush on his face made her turn fully to him. 


"Don't nothing me. What were you doing, Hyunjin?" Suri tried to take Hyunjin's phone quickly from his hand, but he pushed her away. "Oh come on, Show me." 

"I don't have anything to show you, Suri." The girl moved her hand to his side, tickling him. The boy laughed, quickly getting up from his chair, moving away from the girl, still laughing slightly. "Stay away from me, Rian."

Seungmin entered the kitchen, giving the two a dirty look. "You're too loud and its only 8AM. Can you shut the fuck up?" 

"Hyunjin is keeping a secret from me." 

"I'm not keeping any secrets, Riannon." Hyunjin sat on his chair again, copied by Suri as the both watched Seungmin make breakfast for everyone. 

"Its something on your phone." The girl tried to get anything from Hyunjin, but in vain. 

"What were you doing?" Seungmin asked, turning slightly to look at Hyunjin. 

"Nothing, I wasn't doing anything. I was just startled when you entered that's all." Suri sighed, knowing that she wasn't going to know anything, until Seungmin talked. 

"Oh you were texting MyunHee?" 

"Who's MyunHee?" "There's no MyunHee." Suri and Hyunjin talked in the same time, turning their attention to Seungmin. Suri glanced at Hyunjin beside her, who was blushing again. 

"Who's MyunHee?" She repeated her question, causing Hyunjin to let out a whine beside her. "Its okay if you don't want to tell me, I'm sorry that I made uncomfortable." The girl hurriedly said, causing Hyunjin to give her a quick look, shaking his head. 

"No, no, you didn't make me uncomfortable. Its just- Ugh, I just didn't want to say anything about it until I know what I'm doing." Hyunjin said, causing Suri to send him a small nod. "Come on, I wasn't keeping any secrets from you. I promise." 

"He wasn't. I found out on my own, as usual." Seungmin joined their conversation, and Hyunjin nodded quickly at him. "But to be honest, Hyunjin, you don't know what you want." 

"I don't understand anything." Suri let out a small chuckle, as she got up to help Seungmin with the breakfast, not really sure what was going on. 

"MyunHee is an old friend of mine-" 

"Friend." Seungmin mocked, causing Hyunjin to send him a glare. 

"My ex-girlfriend. We dated before I joined JYP and she broke up with me, because all I did was practice and I wasn't giving her enough attention. Anyways, she started talking to me again 3 weeks ago, and we're kind off flirting, I don't really know. She's hinting about getting back together, but I don't know about that honestly." Suri was silent for a few moments, not sure how her answer should be, not sure what she should say, because clearly what Hyunjin just told her wasn't something she needed to know about. 

"W-why don't you want to get back with her?" She decided to ask, not wanting to look weird, after all it was her best friend telling her about the girl he liked. 

"I don't know, I still like her and all, but she kinda left me, because she couldn't wait for me to debut so I can give her the attention she deserved, and out of the no where she started talking to me again and now she wants to get back with me." Hyunjin answered the girl smoothly not noticing her frown. 

"Well I don't like her, Hyunjin. She doesn't seem like the one who actually cares, and I'm not sure if she even truly likes you." Seungmin commented, noticing how Suri wasn't extremely comfortable with answering anything about this conversation. 

"She changed, Seungmin." 

"If she really changed, then why can't you make up your mind and get back to her? I do-" 

"Wait, She's calling. I'll talk to you later." Hyunjin hurriedly got out of the room, with his phone already on his ears. 

"Are you okay?" Seungmin glanced at Suri, who was just staring at nothing. 

"Of course I'm okay. What do you mean? I'll uhh- I'm going to see Raymon." And just like that Suri left the kitchen, and again Seungmin felt trouble coming their way. 

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