Together Again.

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A/N: How do you feel about mature themed chps? Not smut, but some mature acts. I want to know how you guys feel about any of this before I write anything. Please make sure to put your opinion in the comments. I don't want to write something that may be uncomfortable for you, If you want me to just add warning before anything I can also do that.

"EunTae, I-"

"Suri, I know. They want you and Hyunjin in the drama so bad, they literally called me 9 times yesterday and I had to turn off my phone so they won't call again." EunTae side glared at Chan who wasn't helping him at all, knowing pretty well that Chan didn't want Suri to go through the Jeno drama again. They already had enough of that.

"I don't mind the drama, I just don't want to have to be with Jeno literally almost 24/7." Suri slid off her chair, so almost half of her body wasn't on the chair.

"Hey, you're Riannon Lee, Lee SunHwa, Lee Suri, You're stronger tha-"

"This shit never works with me." EunTae facepalmed himself, sliding off his chair too, almost giving up. This was harder then convincing his 3 years old nephew to eat his broccoli. He looked at the leader one more time, when he noticed that Suri grabbed one of the pillows, suffocating herself, but he cared less.

"If you're not going to help me with this, I swear to god Chris, I swear I'm going to pour cold orange juice over your laptop, then I'm going to add some hot coffee, and ice cream and I'm going to lock you out of the studio and I'm going to make you suffer, watching me it your laptop with all your demos and tracks." Chan wasn't surprised to be honest, that was a EunTae thing to say, well the man was never like this, but being their manager defiantly made him like this. He was losing his mind every single day.

Chan sighed, knowing pretty well that he has to help him. "Rian, you're not going to be with Jeno alone you know that, Hyunjin is going to be with you, Jaemin too, and trust me if Jeno tried anything that would annoy you, Jaemin would stop him I'm sure of that. You just have to take this offer."

Suri groaned, mumbling something under the pillow that they weren't able to hear. She groaned louder, forcefully removing the pillow from her face, throwing it across the room. "What even is my part in this drama." Chan looked at EunTae, wondering too.

"Nah, nothing much. Its going to be a school drama, you're the lead who's in a love triangle with Jaemin and Jeno."



"Do we have to go?" Chan couldn't help but laugh, turning to look at Suri from his seat.

"Suri, you're making me feel as if I'm dropping my kid off to school." Suri pouted, looking at Hyunjin waiting for him to help her, but he only shrugged.

"You're going to be late." EunTae, got out of the car, opening Suri's door, pulling her out off the car, with Hyunjin and Chan following them.

"Why are you even here?" Suri kept hitting Chan's back, but it didn't even bother him, because of his heavy jacket.

"I'm being a nice leader, and I'm dropping you guys off to your first script reading day." He put his arm around Suri's shoulder, then moved to Hyunjin putting his other arm over him too. "Aww, My babies are big now and they're going to make their acting debut. I'm so proud."

Before the two could even say anything they heard a loud greeting coming from behind them. They turned around to see Jaemin running over to them with the biggest smile on his face.

"I missed you guys." Suri wasn't sure how Jaemin was able to put his arms around the three of them but he did, and she couldn't help but hug him back. The boy who shared the same birthday as her was definitely one of her favorite friends and no matter what happened between her and Jeno, he never changed with her.

"Missed you too, Nana." As the pulled away from the group hug, Suri noticed the other guy slowly walking over to them, with his head down. He had his hair styled like he always did when he was tired, his glasses were on and he had a long coat one that was one of Suri's favorite on him.

"Hey guys." Jeno's voice was barely heard, and Suri didn't know if she should bow down, hug him or shake his hand, so she didn't do anything at all, only nodded her head slowly at him, before turning away bowing down to Jeno and Jaemin's manager.

"Its nearly 5. We should be up there." The dreamies' manager said after he greeted everyone.

"I'll meet you guys when you're done with this. Good Luck and don't kill each other, or EunTae or anyone." Chan side hugged Suri and Hyunjin, waving at the others before he left. Everyone silently walked inside the building, well it was silent until Jaemin squealed about how excited he was to see the others again and to be in a drama with them. Suri sent him a small smile as she moved closer to Hyunjin, who noticed clearly how awkward it was between her and Jeno. Everyone entered the elevator and Suri doesn't even remember how, but she was standing right beside Jeno, their arms touching each other.

She thought she moved on, She thought that he won't affect her like that anymore, but here she is hating the idea that they were that close. Suri noticed Hyunjin on her other side, she moved closer to him again, grabbing his jacket's sleeve finding comfort in him.

That didn't go unnoticed by Jeno. He wasn't blaming Suri for being awkward and weird around him, after all he didn't want to be in this drama so he won't have to face this reality, but what really confused him how Suri clung to Hyunjin any chance she got. He knew they were close, but she was staying away from him so she can be with Hyunjin. That shit hurt him.

Hyunjin liked what was going on. He felt as if he was protecting her, as if she wanted nobody but him. Even though their relationship was never the same after what he did, specially with Jisung taking all her attention and time now, his relationship with the whole house was still not back to normal, but he liked the idea of Suri being close to him, instead of her ex-boyfriend. Maybe this drama won't be a bad idea after all. Maybe that's his time to shine in Suri's eyes and fix what he did.

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