"Umm Rude" Chp. 1

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Uraraka POV:

I was walking to a small cafe near the school on a Sunday morning. Wow the sunset is so pretty! The pink faded into the purple was something I could get lost in. I continue walking while admiring the beautiful multicolored sky when suddenly I walk into someone.

"Ahhh" I say now on the floor. I look up to see a tall man with dark blue eyes and orange-ish hair. He was wearing a black suit and a red tie. He looked angry by the frown and frowed eyebrows. He didn't look too friendly if you ask me.

"Oh god I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it I swear!" I quickly get up on my feet, wipe the dirt off my pink skirt and bow.

"I don't have time for this nonsense. Watch where your going next time!" The stranger shouts, bumping his shoulder with mine as he walks by.

I didn't know what to say. That was so rude. This man was obviously never taught any manners. Did he not know that accidents happen sometimes? Ugh whatever.

I walk into the small cafe. The glass double doors were about 7ft tall and 5 feet wide and the sign above them said "Cafe with bae" with a few pink hearts around it.

I never really came here with someone I was in a relationship with but I liked their coffee so I came here every chance I had. I guess you could say I was a regular customer.

I walk in a bit uncomfortable because there was so many couples and I was all alone. I sit at a table for 2 and pull out my phone to pass time.

After about 3 minutes a small women with long pink hair pulled up into a high ponytail, probably in her early 20's with a pink apron on walked up to me to take my order.

"What would you like today miss?"

"Just a cinnamon iced latte would be fine, thank you!" I answer politely

"Coming right up. My name is Janis so call me if you need anything else."
Janis says with a smile.

I answer with a sweet smile and then look out the window. I saw a couple holding hands walking down the sidewalk and all I could think about was if I could ever do that with deku. He probably doesn't even like me. We came to this school to be hero's not catch feelings! But I just cant help it. Why does he have to be so cute?

My coffee is put on the table by Janis knocking me out of my thoughts. I thank her and start drinking my latte. The taste was always so good.

I get up to pay when I realise something. Where in the world is my wallet? I swear I brang it! That man he must have taken it when he bumped my shoulder! Luckily I found a few dollars I had kept in my shirt pocket. I payed for my coffee and made my way home.

Time skip

I get back to the dorms to see some of the girls watching a movie. Where were the boys? Ehh they are probably out. I walk to the elevator and clicked the floor 3 button. The elevator doors shut to leave me alone in the small room. I was used to being in small places since my house as a kid was pretty tight. Next thing I knew the elevator door opens and I walk out into the hallway.

I go to my door and walk in. But when I look down I'm startled to see a small envelope on the floor. Huh? Who would give me a letter? I wasn't expecting anything. I cautiously pick it up and set it on my desk. I'll read it in the morning.

I take a short shower and put on my pajamas before crawling into my bed. I'm still surprised these dorms are so big. After being lost in thought I finally doze off.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading this fanfic. This is my first ever fanfic so please excuse any spelling errors or confusion. I hope you are enjoying this fanfic so far!

708 words

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