"Creep" Chp. 8

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As I walk down the hallway with Iida and Deku from a long day at school, I can't stop thinking about what I'm going to wear or how much money I should bring for the date. I mean I've never been on a date. Maybe I could ask someone for help, but it can't be Mina. She would tell the whole school. Ugh, this is difficult.

"Uraraka? You ok? Your spacing out."
Deku comments before Iida adds

"I noticed that in class. Make sure you pay your full attention and take notes, you do not want your grades going down."

I fidget with the end of my sleeve and answer "Actually.. um Deku, can I talk to you?" I stop walking and the 2 boys stop and look back. Deku nods and walks toward me as Iida goes with out us.

"Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry if I did its just-"

"No, no, I just need a little information for our um... plans. I was wondering what time our da- plans are." I didn't want to make it awkward by saying date so I just went with plans.

Deku scratches the back of his neck while he thinks then finally says "oh you mean our date? Um, maybe around 6, that should give us a good amount of time to get ready till we leave, we can leave together and I will lead you there."

My eyes open wide in shock. How can he be so blunt about it. I blush and look over to the side to cover my face with my hair.

"T-that sounds great, see you then!" I say running off. This should give me about 2 hours to get ready.

I get to my dorm and jump in the shower. I come out in my towel and search my closet for a nice outfit. Hmm, I don't want to over dress but I don't want to under dress either. I finally decide on a outfit, a red crop top with a small yellow star in the middle, a jacket, brown shorts and a belt to match. I look in the mirror, maybe I should do something special with my hair to spice it up a bit. I pull my hair back in a ponytail.

"Wow I don't look half bad!"I say to myself smiling in the mirror

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"Wow I don't look half bad!"I say to myself smiling in the mirror. I do a few poses before checking the time. 5:16

Ok I still have a little while before we leave for our date. I'm so excited I can't wait. I wonder if Deku is this pumped for it?

I do some finishing touches like perfume, breath mint and some black shoes with red socks that reach the middle of my calf. 5:34

I should get going. I grab my phone, my purse and about 2500¥ so I can pay for my meal at the cafe. I I walk out of my dorm and make my way to the elevator. 5:45

I walk out of the elevator and sit on the couch bringing my knees up to my chest and resting my head on top. I close my eyes and wait. 5:53

"Hey Ochako, you ready?" My eyes shoot open when I see Deku in front of me. I jump up and smile awkwardly. 5:58

"Yah! Let's get going." I say

We make our way out. As we stand next to each other our hands lightly touch I look over and blush and look up at him. His face was just as red as mine.

"U-uhh sorry I didn't mean to-" he said putting his hands up innocently

"No, no umm actually i- umm"  I walk up and grab his hand and intertwine our fingers. I look away and walk as he walks behind me before I can get rejected.

He catches up to me and walks beside we than gives my hand a soft squeeze. His hands were ruff but made me feel safe. I look up at him and he was smiling widely, oh that's really cute. We walk the rest of the way in comfortable silence.

We finally get to the cafe, I have never been here before. It looks kinda fancy but small. Deku opened the door and held it out for me. He looks kinda nervous, I guess that's expected. I walk through and thank him as a waiter walks up to us.

She had shoulder length blue hair and bright aqua eyes. She had a black apron on like all the other waiters.

"Table for two?" She says kindly with a smile. We nod together and she leads us to the table. We sit down and I begin looking for the cheapest meal on the menu swinging my feet back and forth under the table.

"My name is Ani and I will be taking your order. Can I get you a drink to start off with?" I look towards Deku and he looks at me, he nods.

"Yes please, can I have a small water?" I saw politely. She scribbles on a small notepad. "Yes ofcourse, and you sir?" She says in a sweet tone. He looks at the options on the menu carefully. "I will take a small sweet tea" he said sweetly with a smile. Ani the waiter scribbled in her small notepad once again and walked off.

I look over at Deku. I wonder what hes thinking. "So um.. why did you ask me here? Did you originally want it to be a date or, just for me...?" I say quietly. I wanted to know if he felt the same. Was he nervous around me because I'm a girl or because I'm his crush? I held his hand on the way here but did he even want that? Was he just going with the flow for me?

"Well Ochako, I never got the confidence to say anything but I'm feeling a bit better right now so it's now or never." what? I look at him confused and so intensely as if I'm searching for the answer in his face. He closes his eyes and let's out a loud sigh. "I like you a lot Ochako."

The shock in my face was noticeable but I could not hold back a smile. I bring my hands to my face covering my blush and smile. "I like you a l-lot too Deku." I say quietly but loud enough for him to hear. I peek through my fingers and see Deku with a goofy smile and a bright red face.

"Here are your drinks, are you ready to order your food?" Ani the waiter says. I peek to the side behind my fingers and Deku looks over with his bright red face. "I've lost my appetite." I say with my hands still covering my blush. "Ya me too." I put 500¥ on the table and walk off as fast as possible to get away from the awkward situation.

I was happy but really nervous. I needed to cool down. I walk out of the cafe and sit on the bench near the door. Some random guy sits next to me. I assume he just need to sit down but he scooted closer to me "um sir? Can you please scoot over, I'm uncomfortable." I say in a serious tone.

He then gets closer so I stand up but he grabs my wrist. "Well arn't you a pretty lady." He stands up and raps his arms around my waist from behind me. "You should come home with me~" he says in my ear. My eyes tear up. "Get off me now you creep!" I say trying to push his arms off me. He was a lot stronger than me, even with all my training. I couldn't save my parents and now I can't even save myself, how weak am I?

"Get off her!" Deku says pushing him to the floor. He made it look easy. The guy runs off. I don't move, I stay standing looking at the floor when I notice a tear fall. Not again.

"I'm sorry." Deku says. I practically jump on him and pull him into a huge tight hug as I cry on his shoulder again. He hugs me back with his arms around my waist. This time I like it unlike with the weirdo creep. I don't break the hug but I look up at him and ask "Can I go on your back for the rest of the way home, if it's a weight problem I can use my quir- Ahhh!" He scoops me up mid-sentence and sets me on his back. I rest my head on his shoulder as he makes him way back to the dorm.

"So um.. Ochako?"


"Will you be my g-girlfriend?"

Thanks for reading!!

Word count: 1472

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