"Why" Chp 4

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Uraraka POV:

We got back to the dorms right before dark and went to our rooms. I took a short shower then got into some pink shorts and a pink sweater. I brushed my teeth and got into bed.

I grab my phone and dial my mom's number but stop before calling. Oh ya, they are dead.

I had forgot about what happen. Deku helped me look past it but without him my parents were all I could think about.

This is my first night without my parents. I wonder how it would go. My parents are gone. I guess I have to get used to that. Why did they have to go, Why..?

I moved and rolled over so many times but couldn't fall asleep. Ugh I need sleep for school tomorrow. How was I supposed to do class work if I can't get a good night sleep. swing my legs off the side of the bed and walk to get a bottle of water.

Then when I come back to my room I see them.

"M-mom dad?"

They were right in front of me. My parents were there, right there. My mom and dad had they're heads low and they were looking down. Then I noticed, there was someone with them. Behind them was someone in a black hoodie, I couldn't see their face.

There was a gun put to both of their heads.

"Get away from them!!"

I start running towards them, faster then I ever have before. All I could think about was getting them back. All I could think about was saving them, to be a hero.

I heard a gunshot


Just as fast as they had appeared, they were gone and so was the person.

Was I hallucinating? Was it all fake? But it looked so real! Why is this happening to me? Why did they have to go? Why..?

*knock knock*

Is someone at my door? Did I wake them up? Or is it.. the person.

I slowly walk to the door, tip toeing as quietly as possible. I grab the door nob and..

Deku was there in an all might shirt and gray basketball shorts. With no shoes but some gray socks.

"I heard you screaming and came to check on you. Are you ok?"

No Deku, I'm not ok. My parents are dead, my only family is dead.

"I'm ok deku don't worry about me."
I say with a fake smile across my face.

"Are you sure I can stay here with you until you fall asleep if you need me to! Please let me help you, I can tell your not ok."

That would be great. It would be awesome to have deku hum me to sleep, his voice that makes me so nervous yet happy... but I can't say yes. That would hurt his sleep schedule and I don't want to hurt him. This really isn't his problem and I can't bring him into this more than I already have.

"I thank you for the offer I really do but I can't accept. I will talk to you in the morning ok!"

"Ok.." Deku answers them walks away.

I shut the door and can't help but smile. All this time I thought I was alone. That I couldn't be a hero. But I'm not alone! I have Deku and all my class mates.

Why is it that Deku makes everything better? God mabye I really am in love with him.. Izuku Midoriya

Word count: 588

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