"A Perfect Moment Ruined" Chp 5

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Sorry I haven't been updating I guess I kinda got bored with it. I hope you enjoy it!

Uraraka POV
I woke up before my alarm today. I didn't get much sleep last night so I'm a bit tired but that won't stop me from doing my best at school!

I walk to the bathroom, take a shower, blow dry my hair, get into my uniform, brush my teeth and put my shoes on.

I walk out my dorm door and make my way to the elevator. I wonder if Deku will be up, Or anyone in general.

I get in the elevator and press 1 for the first floor. I lean my back against the railing on the side of the elevator and sigh. I should have tried to get more sleep.

God I'm tiered. I wonder if it's noticeable. I didn't really pay attention to my eyes while in the bathroom. Do I have bags? I really hope people can't tell. I'm stressed enough as it is with out people asking about it.

Next thing I know the elevator doors open and I walk out quietly as to not wake anyone else up. I walk to the kitchen and make myself some cereal. I make sure to poor the milk in last.

I eat my cereal and put the bowl and spoon in the sink.

I look at the sink and see some dirty dishes. I'm early so mabye I should help out. I grab the soap and turn the water on.

"You need some help there Uraraka?"

I turn around to see Deku walking my way.

"Didn't I tell you to call me Ochako?"
I answer back

He plays with his thumbs and look down "Umm ya.. sorry"

Oh no I didn't mean to make him feel bad. "No, no it's fine! Umm how about you just help me on these dishes?"


We continue to clean the dishes, I wash he rinses in silence.

"Why are you up so early this morning?" I say to Deku as we finish the dishes

"I was umm.."

Is somthing wrong? Why isn't he just saying it?

"Are you ok?" I was clearly worried. He put the last dish in the sink and turned to look at me.

"No it's not that, I was just hoping I would see you.. I was worried"

I felt my face heat up. He was worried? And he wanted to talk to me? Ugh that's so adorable.

"I- umm.. thanks deku that means a lot."

I start to play with my fingers as I look at the floor.

"I'm sorry! Did I make you uncomfortable? I didn't mean to! I'm sorry."

I let out a small laugh. He was so nervous and worried he said something he was trying to keep to himself.

"No Deku.. You just made my morning so much better." I gain my confidence and look him in the eye. "After everything that has been going on I now notice that all I needed was some one to care." I smile and feel my face heat up as I think be for I say "And your the person I wanted to care the most."

I look deep in his green eyes, him staring back at my brown ones. We were really close now. I felt his hot breath on my already warm face. His breath was minty, he probably just brushed his teath. We didn't break eye contact for the time we were there.

He was a little red, Is he blushing? Do you think he feels the same way that I do. No don't get your hopes high. Life loves to break it down. Don't let the good things in life make the bad things disappear.

"Uraraka I think I need to tell yo-"

"Hello Uraraka, Hello Midoriya. Good to see you this morning." We quickly depart from each other the look at Iida walking in doing his signature hand movements.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Sorry if it's not as good as you wanted it to be.

Word count: 682

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