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I woke up. I was on top of the boy that was sleeping in his desk. I floated back immediately.

"Did... Did I sleep like this all night?"

My hands shaking and my body going stiff.

"Oh my god... His back must be hurting so much! I've been weighing him down all night! Shit! Did I really sleep holding on to him the entire night?! I can't believe I just-"

I stopped to think a bit.


I took a moment to breath deeply and then looked at the boy. My worries faded away as I looked at his adorable face sleeping on top of his notebooks, a little bit of drool leaving his mouth. I smiled at him and took some of his hair out of his face to look at him better. That's when he moved his head a bit and then opened his eyes.

"Oh shit, sorry, didn't mean to wake you up" I said stepping back.

He shook his head. "What time..." He grabbed his phone and looked at the clock.

"SHIT!" He jumped out of his chair and started undressing himself.

"WOW WOW WOW, MAN, I'M STILL HERE!" I said looking back embarrassed. My mind went places that I rather it didn't while noises from clothes hitting floor were heard. My heart pounding fast.

I technically could.... Look at him... It's not like he'd know...

I breathed in as my cheeks grew pinker and I turned around quickly.

But for my disappointment, he was already fully clothed, now tying his shoelaces. I sighed. As soon as he was done, he ran downstairs and left the house saying goodbye to his family.

I followed him as he ran down the street, anxious and tired. It was obvious that sports weren't his thing. Once he arrived, he was almost dying, he was having difficulty catching his breath and was bending down like he couldn't even hold himself up. I patted his back shaking my head.

"You really have to work out more dude"

He ignored me and continued, speed-walking his way to class. He was standing in front of the classroom door and I could see his hands shaking and his face getting red.

"Come on, go in" I said waiting for him to enter. But he seemed to be frozen.

"Yo, are you okay?" I looked at his face and his eyes looked red, like he was about to cry. A faint shaky voice came from his mouth.

"I'm already late... Might as well skip class" he turned around and slowly walked away.

"WHAT?!" I screamed at him "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! YOU'RE ONLY 15 MINUTES LATE!" He obviously didn't hear me. I really wish he did though.

I followed him as he entered the bathroom.

"Oh no..." I already knew the one thing he went to the toilets for, and that was crying.

I stepped inside to hear murmuring come from the last stall. I peeped inside to see him hitting his foot repeatedly on the floor as he thought to himself.

"If I enter now everyone will look at me and judge me. Oh and the teacher will be so disappointed in me! But if I skip she's going to be even more, not only her but my mom too! I can't deal too look at everyone right now, I didn't even brush my hair"

I went down to his level and stared him in the face, hoping he'd be able to fight his social anxiety and actually go in the class.

"What's the point... That's not even MY class. I just go there to pretend to be someone I'm not. To pretend to be Ken-" he stopped and looked up. "Kenny..."

I looked up to him wondering why he was so worked up out of nowhere.

"Kenny? Are you here?"

I jumped up.

"Yes! Can you see me?!"

"Kenny! Touch me if you're here!"

My face went full red. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN?!" What he said just made me back away more. This dude was straight up asking me to touch him!

"Wait wait ... No no no!" He looked around his pockets.

"What?!" I asked confused. And then his expression changed to a very disappointed and frustrated one.

"Nooo! The piece! It's in my other pants!"

"What?" And then I remembered what happened the night before. THAT'S RIGHT! HE COULD FEEL ME WHEN HE WAS TOUCHING THE PIECE! THIS WAS AMAZING!! I was so tired that night that I forgot about it.

(Y/n) got up and faced the mirror in front of him.

"HOW COULD YOU FORGET TO BRING IT TO SCHOOL!" He looked down for a bit thinking out loud "oh shit, I ended up not finishing my homework either. Well, more reasons to skip class"

"Whatever! I give up, if you want to skip class go ahead!" I said leaving the bathroom angry. I didn't feel like being around him if he was going to be sad. I went to him in the first place because I didn't want to be around sad people, that and also because he's my copy cat. I headed to class and sat at my usual place, where Kenny 2 should be but instead was in the bathroom being all depressive.

I looked around. No one really gave a shit if he was there or not, and that made me think of how no one gave a shit if I was there or not. They knew I was dead and no one made anything special, not a memorial, not a school awareness thing, nothing. I guess being invisible wasn't that different from when I was visible, no one cared...

No one...

Are they really my friends? They saw me die, over and over, and they always move past it like it's nothing. Am I that insignificant for them? We've been friends since kindergarten, but it really meant nothing to them apperantly...

Did I even have a funeral? I know my parents wouldn't be able to afford one but I would hope for them to at least organise a meeting to say some words...

The only person that cares... is Karen. And I left her...

But there's a way I can talk to her again... The board! She needs the board! I just need to take (Y/n)'s board and give to to Karen! Then we'll talk and I'll show her that I'm okay!

I don't care what it takes, I need to talk to Karen.

Saw a ghost? | Kenny x Male reader fanfiction | South parkWhere stories live. Discover now