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I shrugged it off and sat down in my desk ready to finish some homework. I took out my notebooks and books and opened them in whatever page the homework was in. I noticed small doodles in the side of my notebook pages.

"What...." A bunch of sad faces and edgy drawings all over my notebooks. I remembered faintly drawing them, feeling extremely sad and angry, but I didn't know why.

"Okay... So this happened last year... Why and when though..." I looked at the dates. They had started some weeks before until now. It didn't make sense for me, so far I knew I had been with Kenny, probably dating him, so why was I sad? Did I know that he would be revived or whatever so I got sad? Didn't seem like it, the drawings were giving me huge heartbreak vibes. So maybe we broke up? That also wouldn't make any sense because he was super lovey dovey with me so...

What the hell happened?

I went to sleep after doing half of my homework. I was weirdly excited to talk more to Kenny and find out what exactly had happened in the last year. My little brain couldn't believe that me and that hot blondie had ever a thing going on... It sounded like a dream or an hallucination.

Kenny's p.o.v

I woke up and got ready as fast as I could. I physically couldn't wait to see (Y/n) again. I ran to the bus stop and jumped in my place waiting for the bus to arrive.

"Why are you freaking out?" Stan looked at me.

"Guys! He remembers me!!! Ahhh! Not even you fuckers remember but he does!"

They all looked at me confused and pissed off. I couldn't give less shits either way. I smiled as the bus arrived.


We all got in the bus and butters turned back to me a bit embarrassed.

"Hey Ken..." He looked down.


"I'm sorry for yesterday!! I didn't mean to find you right away! I know I ruined the game! I'm so sorry!" He shouted almost crying. People started looking.

"Hey hey... It's okay, really, don't worry about it" I tried to calm him down but he was tearing up in front of me, sniffing and sobbing.

"What can I do to pay you back?" He stared at me with his puppy eyes. I knew he wouldn't leave me alone until I said something so I just thought of something random.

"You can... Buy me a KitKat when we get to school." It was low but I'm poor and hungry.

He smiled nodding and turned around.

We were finally in front of the school and I didn't waste any time. I ran to Damien's (aka (Y/n)'s) classroom and waited for him to arrive. Soon enough I saw the familiar adorable boy walk down the hallway. I smiled at him and waved. He hurried to my side.

"Morning Kenny!" He spoke with a still very sleepy and raspy voice.

"Good morning!" I pulled him into a hug.

"Knew it" Stan walked past us giving me two taps on the back. Kyle looked confused at me while Cartman tried not to burst into laughter in the middle of the hallway. I rolled my eyes at them. After I let (Y/n) go I noticed his red face and smiled.

"Why are you so embarrassed?"

"Don't take it the wrong way but I'm still not used to being hugged by you... that way..."

"You'll get used to it in no time, don't worry" I winked at him and followed the guys to our class.

Next thing I knew, I was going to every place and doing everything we did last year. Dragging (Y/n) with me to random places while holding his hand, hugging him, poking him... Everything except kissing him, he seemed hesitant to do that.

Weeks went by and I was taking him to a corner where we once saw a cat sleeping. When we were at the place I was looking around when I noticed (Y/n) was just standing behind me, not moving...

I turned around.

"Are you okay?"

I noticed a sad expression trying to hide behind the awkward smile he was giving me. Not long after his mouth trembled and his eyes softened. He curved to the front hiding his face with his hands. His shoulders were shaking slightly to show that he was in fact crying.

I went to comfort him right away, I pulled into a hug and with my hand pushed his head towards my chest. He grabbed onto my shirt sobbing.

"I'm so sorry! I'm so so sorry!"

I held him as tight as I could. "Why?! What happened?"

"I can't-" his sobs were stopping him from talking properly. I took him to a little park area with benches nearby and sat him down.

"It's okay, breath. C'mon look at me" I grabbed his arms and looked at him waiting for him to look at me back. "Breath with me. Inhale... Exhale"

I repeated that maybe 5 times until he was calmer. After he stopped shaking I handed him a tissue and put my arm around him.

"So, what's wrong?"

"I know you've been trying so hard to make me remember everything..." He looked away.

"But?" I asked, my anxiety growing.

"I just can't remember it... I feel the feelings and they're are so strong! I really like you! I can feel it, it's there! But I can't remember what happened, or the places we were. It's like... Like..." His breathing got faster again. "I'm trying so hard to remember, and you're trying so hard to help me! But it just doesn't fit in my brain. It's like there's something missing, like a word in the tip of my tongue that I know it's there and I'm so close to knowing it but it just doesn't come..."

I pulled my arm away and turned myself to face him better.

"I'm sorry..." He finished. I looked at the floor to think...

"B-but you still like me right?" I didn't know how to respond so I let my anxiety take over. "We're still together right?"

"I mean... I do... But I don't know you, I feel like I know but in reality I don't. And I don't know if we were ever together, for more that I want to be with you it feels so wrong to just jump into a relationship with someone I barely know..."

"But you know me! We've been together this past year! And-and this last weeks we've talked so much to each other!"

"I know, I'm sorry..."

"Does...Does this mean you don't want to be with me anymore?" My heart was beating fast and anxiously.

"I don't know... God! I don't know! This is so confusing!" He grabbed his head and pulled bits of his hair while looking at his shoes. I knew he was being honest and his intentions weren't bad, I couldn't possibly imagine what was going on in his head, but I couldn't help but feel like this was a break up of some sort.

"So, what do you want me to do?" I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe some time, yeah... I just need some time to process all of this and think. Try to find the one thing missing in all of this..."

"If it's time you need, I'll give it to you." I got up and held his hands looking at him. "Anything for you to remember"

His eyes looked at me wide open a bit red from crying. He got up and hugged me. We both stayed silent while enjoying each other's embrace.

But it had to come to an end. He stepped back, smiled at me the best he could and said goodbye. I waved to him as he walked away from the park and into the street.

"Give him some time." I thought to myself. "Just how much exactly..."

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