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He shook his head and looked at me with a death glare.

"Kenny, watch out for fuck's sake." Damien got up slowly and cleaned his slightly dirty pants. "It's your first day and you're already a mess"

"Ahhh fuck off I need to find him!" I got up and got ready to run. But before actually taking a step forward I looked behind and grabbed his arm. "Damien! You were in his class right?!"

"Yeah, still am, why?" He asked not interested.

"Can you tell me where it is?!"

"Hmmm.... No." I almost lost all my excitement in a second. "You guys were all over each other before, like hell I'm gonna tell you where he is"

"Ugh! You never help me with anything!" I headed off again towards the cafeteria. I opened the doors and examined the tables. The students judged me as I stood there looking at everyone.

"Not here!" I ran out and searched the lockers. He wasn't there either. I looked around the school for about 10 minutes before the bell rang again.

"Noooooo" I died inside a bit. On my way to class I saw Damien and followed him quietly to his classroom. Once he entered the room on the other side of the hallway from mine, I peeped inside searching for the one and only. But it was pointless, he wasn't there.

"He isn't here. He wasn't in the cafeteria, where is he?!"

I thought for a bit...

"Oh no... He's in the bathroom"

Everyone was going to class except me. I didn't mind skipping one class if it meant helping (Y/n) out. I knew exactly where he was and why. I walked to the boy's bathroom and opened the door slowly. I stepped inside the quiet bathroom and quickly heard heavy breathing coming from the last stall. I sighed and walked closer to the door.

"(Y/n)...?" I asked quietly. The breathing stopped. I heard some sniffs coming from the inside. The door opened slowly and I stepped back, ready to face him.

He looked up to me with watery eyes, with an very sad and confused expression. I couldn't help but smile and pull him into a hug.

"Oh my god, I missed you so much!" I said while squeezing him between my arms. I noticed he wasn't really hugging back. I stopped and stepped back looking at him. "(Y/n)... Are you okay?"

He stared at me with a puzzled expression. "Kenny?"

I smiled and grabbed his hands. "Yes! You remember me right?"

He looked down to think. I was full of excitement and hope, praying that he would remember me!

"You..." He started saying slowly.

"Yess???" I looked at him with my eyes wide open.

"You were in my class before right?"

My soul left my body. My head fell down as I silently cried inside.

"Oh sorry, did I say something wrong?" He asked worried. I shook my head and looked up again with a fake smile.

"It's fine, don't worry" I let him go and sighed. I opened the door ready to leave the bathroom when he called out for me.

"Wait... Kenny!" I looked at him full of hope. "I... Where... Forget it, it's nothing"

I turned around again deeply disappointed and headed back to class.

Y/n's pov

I stared as the blonde hot boy left me alone in the bathroom. I didn't know where but I knew him. And not only because we were in the same class some years ago, I had a weird feeling that I had seen him somewhere before. And when he hugged me... It felt so familiar.

I had no idea how but he knew I was there, in the last stall. I don't think it was coincidence that he found me there after classes had started. And he knew my name! No one remembers me! How did he?!

Thinking about it was giving a huge headache. Something just didn't fit, it was like a puzzle, and a big piece was missing. I mean, being realistic, why would such a hot guy just talk to me out of nowhere during my anxiety attack!

Anxiety attacks ... I was having an anxiety attack because something about today felt wrong... I felt so weird... I normally had attacks because of social anxiety but this time was different. I woke up feeling like something was off, and the feeling only got worse as the day went by. I didn't feel bad, I just had a huge thought consuming my head, my gut was screaming at me.

"Something's wrong! Something's wrong!"

But Kenny's hug weirdly was enough to calm me down. Of course, being hugged by such a cutie would calm me down immediately... But what did he mean by me remembering him? He's the one that shouldn't remember me so why did he?

My mind was a mess, I had no idea what to do...

I left the bathroom and walked to class. I got in and sat down in my usual place, that for some reason, also felt wrong. A boy sitting next to me touched my shoulder.

"Hey, (Y/n), you okay?" He asked. "You look a bit stressed"

"Yeah yeah, I'm okay Cartman"

"Cartman?" The boy asked.

I looked at him. The boy next to me was obviously not Cartman, but Cartman's name jumped to my mind out of nowhere.

"Ahh! Sorry! I'm a bit sick today, sorry" I apologized quickly. The boy looked at me with a judgy look and turned to the front again.

I took out my sketchbook and started dooling. I noticed that the sketchbook was emptier than I remembered.

"What is happening" I asked myself confused. Nothing felt real, nothing felt right. I was about to lose my head, what was wrong with me?!

I got up in the middle of the class. The teacher looked at me confused.

"Excuse me, can I help you?" He asked. I picked up my things and left the class. "Hey! Where are you going?!" I closed the door behind and headed to the entrance of the school.

"I forgot something at home. I can feel it..." I started walking home trying to remember that special thing I forgot. I soon noticed someone following me.

I stopped and turned around.


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