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This is getting long but I don't mind :P

He tried standing up while looking at me like I was an alien, analyzing everything in me. I just let him take his time, feeling a bit embarrassed but also incredibly shook.

"Wait..." He approached me slowly and pointed at me. He moved his finger hesitantly towards my body and poked it, immediately jumping back after touching my chest.

I watched as he jumped and circled not moving from his spot. He was so freaked out if was kinda funny, reminded me of Snoopy's dance when he's happy.

"I CAN TOUCH YOU!!" He looked at me and grabbed my arms. I was surprised by his strength, for a kid that looked like he had noodle arms he had a surprisingly good grip. "Kenny! We won't need to use the board anymore! You know what that means?!"

I smiled with excitement. I pulled him into a tight hug and enjoyed the good 3 seconds until a gunshot was heard once again.

I opened my eyes to see (Y/n)'s body fall to my arms. I screamed from the sudden image of his brains exploding in front of me. Then I looked to Damien with a death stare.

"What? You guys are being so annoying!"

I put my "I'm judging you" face.

He rolled his eyes. "Ugh" he snapped his fingers and the boy in my arms gasped for air. He looked at Damien with the same hate I felt. I couldn't help but chuckle. Hating on someone with someone else is so fun, you can both just go bonkers talking shit about them, because both despise and want that person dead. Looking at his expression I could almost read his homicide thoughts.

"I only made you be able to see, hear and feel Kenny so you could both stop using me as a telephone."

"It's your fault for making me a ghost in the first place, I could be talking to him normally if you would just turn me back!"

"You agreed to turn into a ghost, don't blame me for being horny and wanting to see some boobs..." My face grew red instantly.

"Wait... You agreed to this?" (Y/n) looked up to me confused.

"Well! A lot happened and he didn't tell me about the consequences!" I explained nervously, hiding that the situation might be a little my fault.

"Wow, I did not know that"

"It's not like I wanted to turn into a depressed ghost that only sees how useless he was when he was alive..."

(Y/n) tilted his head with pity while rubbing my arm gently. "I know, I'm so sorry you had to see that..."

My cheeks warmed up from the soft touch. "I mean... I'm okay now so don't worry about it..."

"SHUT UP!" Damien screamed. "Shut up, for just one fucking second!"

He silently looked at Damien, then at each other and then to Damien again. He sighed and spoke now calmer.

"We have to talk about the board."

"How about we talk about the way you're killing (Y/n) and bringing him back to life just like that!" I snapped my fingers while pushing (Y/n) closer to me with my left hand. I was secretly using any opportunity to interact physically with him. And also knowing that he was blushing because of it made me want to do it more often.

"It's all connected, if only you would let me speak I'd explain it to you"


Some days before- (Y/n)'s pov
(Continuation of what happened in Chapter 17)




Damien sighed angrily trying to control himself. He stared at me now with his normal back eyes.

"This isn't even about that. You ruined my entertainment."

"What?" I asked confused, sweating like a pig that is afraid to lose his worthless stupid life.

"Watching Kenny die everyday was fun but, it got tiring you know? Turning him into a ghost so he could suffer the pain of seeing his miserable friends and family not giving a shit about him was going to be hilarious to watch! You ruined that."

"Kenny... Dies everyday? Wait wait wait, you turned Kenny into a ghost?"

"Humans are so slow." He rolled his eyes. "Let me explain it with words you understand." He got on his knees and looked at me as if I was a baby.

"Kenny has a curse that makes him not able to die entirely. He dies everyday, but instead of going to hell and staying there, his soul always returns to his body and goes back to being alive, even when I try to lock him up but after one year he goes right back. So everytime he dies he comes to hell and goes through a portal to the world of the living to make the process of going back to life faster."

I looked at him confused and surprised. It was hard to believe that crazy story...

"Right..." I said not really fitting all of the new information in my head

"Don't talk like I'm crazy! I'm the son of Satan! I know of these things. Ignorant people piss me off so much!" He said triggered.

"I still don't get where I come in" I asked.

"Well, mister I-can-fix-broken-boards over here talked to Kenny, therefore, erasing a big part of his misery that involved being alone and ignored. I don't know what you did with the board, but I honestly don't give enough shits right now to find out. The only thing you need to do is give me the board back."

"I don't have it and even if I did I wouldn't give it to you!" I tried to be morally correct and stand up for my dead friend.

"Okay, very funny, but I will kill you if you don't give me the board."

Shit ...

"Y-you won't... You're bluffing" I nervously said.

He snapped his fingers and the entire bathroom was on fire again, his monotone expression looking at me as I try to get away from the corpses coming from the floor, grabbing my legs and pulling me down.

"MAKE IT STOP!" I screamed as those stinky dead motherfuckers tried dragging me down to hell. It was scary but I have to admit, kicking their heads was kind of fun.

He snapped his fingers again and everything went back to normal.

"Where's the board?"

"I don't know! It's not with me! I gave it to Cartman!"

"We both know that's a lie" he saw right through my lies.

"Well, it's not with me anymore!" I said confidently, seeing that it was true afterall.

"Okay, then go get it and give it to me so I can go back to my perfect life of seeing people die and suffer."

It pained my heart to think Kenny was one of those people that died. The curse thing was still unbelievable but at this point, I could only trust what the demon in front of me was saying..

"Why does it have to be Kenny, can't you let this one poor guy go from his suffering?"

"You might have a point there ..." He thought to himself.

"Really?" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah, it doesn't need to be Kenny, it can be you"

Saw a ghost? | Kenny x Male reader fanfiction | South parkWhere stories live. Discover now