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I hugged him tightly for a few seconds. He didn't move, meaning that he could feel my embrace. After a while he got up and grabbed the board from under his bed. He placed the piece in the middle and sighed.

"Kenny" His voice was serious, this was for real. "What can I do to help you"

I thought for a bit, it was the first time someone had asked me what I wanted. I was so used to doing what the guys told me to do, it felt weird to be the one in charge. But I knew exactly what had to be done. I held the piece and moved it slowly.


He looked confused. I rolled my eyes and continued.

"M-y-s-i-s-t-e-r" I finished.

"Oooooh. You want me to give your sister a message?"


"Then...?" He asked. I sighed, I thought it was pretty obvious but I guess I had to spell it out for him either way.

"G-i-v-e-h-e-r-t-h-e-b-o-a-r-d" I took my hands out for a second, that was more tiring than I thought. I shook them a bit and put them back in the piece. I looked up to the boy that was with a complicated expression.

"What?" I asked.

"So, you want me to give her the board so you can talk to her right?" His hesitation started to worry me. "Are you sure you want me to tell your sister that huh, ghosts are real and give her this thing that is known for talking to demons? Won't she be scared, how can I be sure she'll even believe me"

"T-r-u-s-t-m-e" I knew my sister would give anything to talk to me again, even if was through a sketchy creepy board.

"Okay... I just don't want a little girl to get traumatized because of me"

"N-o-t-l-i-t-t-l-e" Karen might be still growing but she is not little, she she's a big girl, more mature than the other girls of her age. What she's been through made her grow a lot, emotionally and mentally.

"Oh sorry, I don't know why, I assumed she was your younger sister-"

Suddenly the doorbell rang, not one, not two, but ten times. I knew exactly who it was. (Y/n) got up and looked down to the street from his bedroom window.

"SHIT! IT'S CARTMAN! he probably wants the board back!" He quickly hid the board under the bed. "Okay, okay, calm down, I just need to replace it with something else... Okay think!!" He circled the room while agressive knocks were heard from downstairs. I looked around searching for the perfect replacement. But when I looked back my copycat was already gone. I rushed downstairs to see him put a cookie inside the box and then shaking it.

"Yeah sure, sounds like the piece"

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! ITS OBVIOUS THAT IT ISN'T THE PIECE!" I screamed at him and his stupidity. I was not going to lose my chance to talk to Karen because of some idiot that thinks a cookie is the same as a wooden triangular piece.

He opened the door with the box in his hands. Facing him was a fat angry gremlin also known as Eric Cartman. He snatched the box from (Y/n)'s hands and left not saying a word.

Kenny.exe has stopped working, how did Cartman not notice the weight difference?! And then I remembered, he's much more of an idiot than my copycat so we were safe. He closed the door, sighed with relief and ran upstairs. He took the board from under the bed once again and prepared himself to talk to me again.

"I'm back. Sorry, that was Cartman"

"I know dummy"

"So, when exactly do you want me to lend the board to Karen?"

I stepped back a bit.

"Lend?" I repeated slightly irritated.


"Give? Like, give her for real forever?" He looked confused


"Okay wait. You want me to actually give her the board and she'll stay with it forever?" He sounded unsure and that worried me.

"Yes" I obviously wanted to talk to Karen, she was my sister, I didn't see what was the problem.

"What about humm... You talking to me?"


"Like... Maybe it's selfish I don't know, but I thought it was kinda like fate that we ended up talking to each other..."


He gulped loudly. I couldn't believe his words. How could he be so selfish, thinking that he was more important to me than my own sister!! This random kid that stole my identity and my friends, he seriously though THAT I CARED MORE ABOUT TALKING TO HIM THAN MY OWN SISTER?!

"I-I can feel that you're angry..."

"O-B-V-I-O-U-S-L-Y" I moved the piece aggressively. Who wouldn't be?!

"M-maybe we should talk better about this later..." He was going to get up but I grabbed his hands with all my strength. He stopped terrified and unable to move.

"Kenny... Please let me go" he said shaking.

"L-I-A-R" I pushed the piece while his hands tried to move away. I didn't care if I was hurting him, seconds ago he was blabbering about how much he wanted to help me and how he felt my pain and blah blah blah! If he really knew how I felt he wouldn't hesitate to help me now! He wouldn't stop me from talking to my sister!

"S-E-L-F-I-S-H" Just because he was lucky enough to get his hands on the board he thought he was the only one allowed to use it?! And what, he thought I would be his own little ghost toy to mess around whenever he feels like it?! Oh, I'm sure he loved knowing that a hot ghost like me was following him around! I bet he was glad that I died so he could take my place and then take my time as well!


"A-S-S-H-" Before I could finish the word, his hands slipped away and he got up shaking. I looked up to see his terrified watery eyes. I felt a bit bad but I was to angry to apologize. He picked up the board slowly.

"Oh! Let me guess! You're going to hide this under your bed so no one else can talk to me right?! You want me to be stuck here with you, isn't that right?!" I stood up looking down to him. He was extremely tense and I was very pissed. He opened his bedroom door and headed downstairs.

"OH! I GET IT! You're going to throw the board in the TRASH! Cause you're that egocentric! If you can't have me no one can, am I right?!" I followed him nervous about what he could possibly do. That board, that piece, they were my only way to communicate with anyone, my only way for me to not be lonely.

He picked up his phone and texted someone. I couldn't look at the screen because his hands were shaking the entire phone and his tears were making everything extremely blurry. He sat down in front of his front door waiting for a reply.

"What, did you text Cartman? DID YOU?! Are you going to tell him the truth?!"

After a notification sound was heard he immediately got up, grabbed the board from the floor and went out. He walked down the street focused, ignoring all my screaming and pushing.

Twenty minutes went by and I was just silently following him, my throat hurting and his eyes red but dry. When I looked around I recognized the familiar environment.

"Wait..." I said to myself not believing my eyes.

We were in my neighborhood...

Saw a ghost? | Kenny x Male reader fanfiction | South parkWhere stories live. Discover now