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"What?" (Y/n) asked even more confused. "Are you sure??"

"Yup... I can't feel any boops in my nose" Karen said a bit disappointed.

"WAIT! THEN HOW CAN I FEEL HIM?!" The boy got up letting go of the piece.

"(Y/n) calm down!" I said but his face did the opposite. His cheeks were red and his hands were back to shaking. He covered his mouth while mumbling to himself and scratching his head.

"How is this possible, why would he be capable of touching me and not Karen? His own sister! Am I half ghost or something?! Am I Danny Phantom?!"

"Okay! CALM DOWN! There's probably a logical explanation! Maybe it's .... Maybe it's because you wear my jacket! The jacket connected us somehow huh?"

"Hey!" Karen's voice snapped both of us back to reality. "I don't care about that, I want to talk more to him!"

"Oh, you don't need me to talk to him. You can talk to him by yourself. In fact, I was going to give you this board so you'd talk to him whenever you want"

I looked at him surprised, he really was going to give up his chances of talking to me.

"Really?! I can have it?"

"Yeah, but you can't tell anyone about it okay?" He said, his expression getting sadder. Each word he said felt like they would be the last ones I'd hear with his voice.

"Thank you!!!" Karen jumped up to hug him. He hugged back smiling as best as he could. I joined the warm hug.

"Okay... I have to go. Bye Karen" he said opening the door and waving her goodbye. She smiled and waved back to him. He stopped for a bit. "Bye Kenny"

"See ya, thanks for everything" I replied. I took a good look at his face, I didn't want to forget how he looked like. I wasn't planning on leaving my house, I wanted to talk to Karen until the very last day, so I tried my hardest to memorize his face to when I was revived again. I definitely wanted to talk to him in a normal way, both alive and shit... I wanted to hug him for real, and thank him without having to move a wooden piece, instead by just talking.

Before I knew it he was gone. The room felt colder. I looked down to Karen, who was looking at the board with curiosity.

"Okay... Kenny?"

I sat down in front of her.

"Yes princess?" I replied, glad to be with her.

"How was your day?" She asked.

"You're adorable. You get the chance to talk to a ghost and you ask how my day was" I chuckled and moved the piece slowly.


"Goodyours? Oh! Good, yours! Mine was sad because you weren't here but now that you are I'm happy!"

I smiled, I was so thankful that I could finally talk to her. Watching her cry was the most painful thing ever, and now, seeing her smile... It gave me joy.

She proceeded to ask very meaningless questions.

"Do you eat food?"
"Where do you sleep?"
"Can you fly?"
"Are you like Casper?"
"Do you have any ghost friends?"
"Did you meet the ghost of our pet dog?"

The afternoon went by flying with me answering the most adorable questions. I finally felt happy again...

Y/n's pov

I closed the front door and walked upstairs to my room. I felt so empty. Even tho I didn't know of Kenny's existence as a ghost until a few days ago, I still missed him and knowing that I had someone to talk to. Stan, Kyle and Cartman said we were friends, but I really didn't have any real friends in school, having Kenny to talk to, someone that was actually interested in me enough to stick around, it felt so good. But I tried convincing myself that what I did was for the better. Just remembering all the things Kenny said and the bad vibes he was giving me during the walk to his house gave me chills. I told myself to never piss him off again, but I was probably never gonna even see him anyways...

I can't believe I had a crush on a ghost...

Life can be so weird sometimes...

I tried distracting myself to move on from all of that and so I went through my social medias... And just like that it was already dinner time. Phones scare me, they consume so much time of my life and I don't even realize it. I went to my room after eating and looked under my bed, missing the board and piece, well, not really the board and piece but who they allowed me to talk to. I got in bed and fell asleep quickly to forget about it all.

My alarm rang in the morning and I got up exhausted. I had dreamed with Kenny all night, and when you dream it almost feels like you didn't really rest. On my way to school, my anxiety woke up and decided to inform me of all the ways my day could be ruined, specially almost getting run over by a driver on their phone, wich had happened 3 times that week.

I arrived in school and thing number 1 that could ruin my day happened, I was late. I ran to class and entered, immediately sitting in Kenny's seat and hiding my face in the books. Bell rang and Cartman grabbed me and the guys and headed to the cafeteria. We all sat down and thing number 2 that could ruin my day happened, I didn't have money to pay for my food. I sat in silence as I watched everyone eat and chat. They really didn't care about me, I wondered why they wanted me to follow them everyday. It was so tiring and mentally exhausting to be treated as someone else or like a nobody, it was like I was invisible. Kyle would only talk to me if he saw that I was sad, otherwise he'd just ignore me like the other two.

When they finished eating, we left to see an angry looking Damien in front of Cartman's locker.

"So, where is it?" His devilish voice asked. I could almost see the little horns above his head.

"Relax Damien, it's right here." Cartman said opening his backpack. That's when I started to panic. I tried keeping calm but my hands were already shaking terribly fast. With the whole giving the board to Karen thing, I completely forgot about the whole ME REPLACING THE BOARD AND PIECE WITH A COOKIE AND GIVING IT TO CARTMAN SO HE WOULD GIVE IT TO THE SON OF SATAN HIMSELF. I could feel my soul leaving my body already.

"Hmmmm" Damien said holding the box that Cartman handed him. He shook it a bit and stopped confused. Seconds later he opened the box and closed it again. "Is this a joke?"

"What? What are your talking about?" Cartman asked confused. I gulped. This was it. I was done for. But hey, if I died now, at least I could be with Kenny.

Damien opened the box, now showing everyone the single cookie inside it. Stan laughed out loud as I grabbed my shirt with panic. Kyle looked at Cartman shaking his head in disappointment.

"Really fatass?"

"WHAT?! I DIDN'T DO THAT! I DIDN'T EVEN OPEN THE BOX! THIS WASN'T ME!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. "THIS WAS-"

I gulped.

"THIS WAS (Y/N)!!!"

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