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I woke up feeling miserable and full of sorrow, today is the day I get on the plane, and after last night I felt as though I could never leave this bed. However, I kept telling myself it will all be worth it in the end, I needed to take a breather before throwing myself back into this lifestyle.

I sat up to glance at Wes asleep with his mouth open as he let out soft snores. I smiled and pushed his hair back from his eyes, he looked so peaceful. I started to get off the bed, but to my shock Wes reached out his arm and pulled me back to his body. "No, don't leave," he instructed in a raspy morning voice. I chuckled as I laid next to him playing with the ends of his hair.

I traced my fingers against his panther tattoo, it's one of my favorites, it's a large panther head with two roses on the bottom. I looked up to see him still resting his eyes, so I decided to examined each of his tattoos. He had one that resembles praying hands, a skull with a crown, and I spotted a few birds in the mix. The black ink worked so well on his skin tone, and it fitted his personality. "Are you having fun," he croaked.

"They're very interesting," I chuckled poking his torso.

He rubbed his eyes and wiped the eye boogers away, "Have you changed your mind on leaving," he asked hopeful, and I just shook my head as I didn't want to tell him all over again. He groaned. "What time is the flight?"

"Four," I told him as I looked at the clock that read 11:30 pm.

He sat up, "I'll make us breakfast," he weakly smiled before standing up from the bed and walking out of the room.

I sneakily walked to the side of his room and grabbed the picture he drew of us, the one where we stare at each other through the darkness. It brings me chills every time I look at it, and I want to take it with me. I then walked back into my room to put on a pair of gray sweatpants and a bra. I figured that if I'm going to be on an airplane later, I might as well dress for comfort. I also plan on wearing my Panther jacket to the airport also, so I gently placed the picture in the inside pocket, I want it near me when I leave.

Once I finished getting dressed I decided to join Wes while he was cooking. I sat at the table as I watched him cook scramble eggs. I remember when I first saw him cook I was taken aback, because he doesn't look like a home cook. Now, I'm used to it, but it still surprises me.

He sat down in front of me after handing me my plate. "Thank you," I smile stabbing the eggs with my fork. He didn't say much over breakfast, I could tell he was torn by me leaving, at to be honest I was too.

As we finished our breakfast Luke came running down the stairs, "What, you didn't make me any eggs," he groaned glaring at Wes. Luke turned towards me and sighed, " I heard you're leaving today," he said, "things won't be the same without you."

The next couple of hours Wes and I just lounged around in bed goofing around and just taking in every last minute we had together. "I love your hair," I chuckled lightly pulling at it and watching it spring back to its original position.

"You and many other girls," he laughed as I slapped his chest. "You're the only one I let touch it though," he chuckled kissing my forehead.

"How many girls have you been with," I asked, it was a question that I've always wanted to know, but never had the courage to ask. It had to be at least in the hundreds, I mean he's a stunning man to look at, he has charm, and he portrays the thing that many women find attractive- danger. Even when I met him I was intrigued. And everywhere we go, I see other girls being captivated.

"And why would you want to know that," he asked flipping his body so that he was facing me.

"I don't know, I've always kind of wondered," I admitted, yet still knowing that the answer would still crush me no matter what. He could say 5 or 500, I would still be jealous.

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