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"Okay everyone get on the bus," yelled coach K. "We are already late and we don't need to be any later."

Dana and I sat in the very back seat of the bus. "Tessa!" I yelled, waving her over. She walked through the aisle to the back. I grabbed my bag from the seat in front of us letting her sit. Dana and I rested our arms on her seatback. "So, are you excited for your first game?"

"Yeah you guys do it a lot differently here then we do in Virginia."

I shrugged. "We just have more fun in Texas." She chuckled leaning back in the seat and putting her earbuds in. Dana fell asleep on my shoulder like she always does. When we got to the school everyone got out of the bus. I started flicking Dana's forehead. "Wake up."

Dana groaned. "I hate you," she said standing up.

We walked towards the school. "Leia! Hey."

I turned my head to look at him. "Hello, Charles."

He smirked at me. "You still dating that Tyler guy?" I nodded. "Well, that just sucks for me."

"Like I'd ever date you."

He rolled his eyes. He looked next to me at Tessa. "Well, maybe I'll move on to a different girl. Hi, I'm Charles."

Dana and I linked arms with her. "She's not interested in you," Dana and I both said.

"How about you let her talk."

"She's Luke's new girl Charles," I sang. "You really want to make him go after you?" I questioned. His eyes widened. Dana and I waved him away. "run along now."

He ran off towards the stands. Tessa raised her eyebrow. "Since when am I Luke's girl?"

"You're not but Charles is the biggest asshole in school and probably Texas," Dana said. "Trust me we just saved you."

"And why did he run off when you said I was Luke's girl?" she asked as we continued walking to the track.

"Luke and Nick get into fights a lot."

"Yeah, when Luke and I were an item he'd beat up any and every guy who looked at me or talked to me."

"You dated her brother?"

"Yes and no," Dana said. We sat our bags down against the fence and moved to stand in our spots on the track. "We weren't dating but we were exclusive for a couple of months then the feelings kinda faded to the point where we were openly flirting with other people in front of each other."

"And you were okay with your best friend dating your brother?"

I shrugged. "Almost every girl in this school has done something with my brother, I'd be surprised if Dana and Luke hadn't gotten together."

The crowd started cheering as the home team ran out. Our team ran out to the field after them. "North Lakes Knights, we're here to knock out your lights," we started chanting. Dana and I did a backflip. "Our team's undefeated, the only way you could win is if you cheated."

Nick ran over to me. He took his helmet off. He took off his chain necklace with a cross pendant. "Corazon, can you hold this for me? Coach said I can't wear it during the game." I nodded. He clipped the necklace around my neck. He smiled looking at it. "Thanks, corazón."

"Good luck."

He leaned down kissing my cheek. He ran off towards the team huddle. "What was that about?" asked Tessa. "I thought you were dating that Tyler guy?"

"Oh, Nick's in love with her."

I slapped Dana's arm. "He is not in love with me." She pursed her lips. "You heard him, he just wanted me to hold the necklace."

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