Chapter 23

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It's been about a month and a half, almost two months, since Theo and I began training together and in the past seven weeks I've not only learned a lot but I've been through absolute hell. After Theo and I's little brawl he finally, I assume, saw something in me and was willing to train me. He hasn't stopped being a dick but I think that's just a character trait of his. 

Week One

"Come on, run! Run! Faster!" Theo screamed, his voice echoing throughout the entire pack grounds. 

"I'm running!" I shouted back. 

"Run faster! NOW!" 

The first week we spent running. Sprinting back and forth. Over and over. All day, every day. We switched up between my human form and my wolf form. Equally boosting both of our stamina. 

Week Two

"Keep it comin'!" Theo yelled. 

"Let's go, Wolf! Lift your body up! Keep your elbows straight. C'mon!"

I fell to the floor, exhausted and out of breath. 

"Get your ass up, Wolf! Now!" Theo screamed into my ear. 

"I can't!" I cried, sweat dripping down my face onto my clothes.

"Are you a quitter!? Are you weak!? Are you some pathetic little bitch!? Huh!?" He shouted.

"No!" I yelled back. 

"Then get your ass up and do your push ups!"

I forced myself onto my arms and feet and starting going back down and up again. 

"LET'S GO! Next you're doing squats, then crunches, and my favorite, pull ups."

Week two has clearly been all about the basics. Let me just tell you, I hate push ups! Crunches can kiss my ass and so can squats!

Week Three

"Up." Theo said.




Week three, we focused on weight lifting. I became 'bestfriends' with each set of weights that were thrown at me. At least that's the nice tip Theo gave me. 

"Become bestfriends with your weights. Know your weights. Love your weights. Beat your weights." Blah blah blah. 

Week Four



"Stay focused! Keep your eye on your target!"



"Eyes up!" Theo put his hands down and marched towards me, grabbing my wrists. 

"Keep your eyes on me! Always face your target! Don't look down! Worry about what's up top! Focus on my arms, how I lean, not where my feet are after I've landed the hit on you! UNDERSTOOD!?" He shouted. 

"Yes, Sir!" I replied. 

"Again. Arms up." 

We've finally reached combat training. I didn't know how much went into training and exercise but I'm glad I'm finally able to punch the crap out of Theo, least try to. 

Week Five 


"Drop and squat!"

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