Chapter 30

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*Song above is the theme song to this story*


3 Days Prior (To Last Chapter)


"What was that you were saying, Mutt?" Blanco growled. 

"Ha, is that the best you got Blancie?" I joked. 

"How dare you call me that!?" He barked. 

"Awh, did I hit a nerve? Poor baby, do you need a band-aid to cushion that blow to your ego?" I laughed. 

"You stupid Bitch-" Blanco tried to attack me but was swiftly held back by Bernardo.

"She's ain't worth it, Blanco. You know what Dad has planned for her. Stick to the plan!" He growled. 

"But the little Mutt deserves a beating!" He argued. 

"Yeah, give this little Mutt what she deserves, Bernie." Both men glared back at me and I just laughed. 

"Oh, wait, you can't, cause Daddy told you not to." I continued my taunt. 

"Alright, we'll come back for you soon enough." Bernardo said. 

"Once Father and Uncle have left for their meeting about killing your mate, we'll give you what you are oh so eager to receive." He finished and they both left the room. 

Men. So easily manipulated when their ego's are tested. I rolled my eyes. 


2 Days Later (Present Day)

"Rise and shine, Bitch. Your punishment day has arrived." Bernardo spoke.

I lifted up my head and looked into his eyes with a smirk plastered across my face, "Let's do this, Big Brother." 

Blanco quickly unchained me and they carried me outside. Wrong move, boys. I noticed I had actually been in a warehouse and there was water near us. How odd, I thought. Even though it appeared we were at an abandoned warehouse, it was somewhat surrounded by woods. There were other warehouses in the distance on one side and then on the other all you could see was woods for miles. 

The boys started taking off their clothes and were laughing together. Little did they know I was about to wreak havoc on them. 

The boys sifted into their wolves, Bernardo's was a mixture of dark brown and black meanwhile Blanco was solid black. I followed in their foot steps and sifted into mine. The boys began circling me, they clearly hadn't a clue as to have strong I have grown to be. 

I remember all my training and kept a cool, calm, collected mind set. I watch their every move without taking my eyes off the tops of their bodies. 

I already knew some of their weakness and mistakes from the years of abuse I suffered by their own hands. 

They were taunting me. They wanted me to make the first move. But I never make the first move. They kept circling me, growling, nipping the air around me. 

Come on, boys. Don't play with your food. I taunted them through our link and that got them going. 

Bernardo was growling louder, with a deeper tone, and I knew he was about to strike. He always indirectly let his prey know he was about to attack when he let out his famous deep growl and I swiftly dodged his leap. 

He knocked into Blano causing them both to fall and let out a whimper. 

Please tell me that's not the best you two can do. I taunted again. 

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